Easy Sex, Sad Movies Soundtrack (

Easy Sex, Sad Movies Soundtrack (2014) cover

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Rating: 5.60/10 from 872 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Sexo fácil, películas tristes

Title in Italiano:

Sexo fácil, películas tristes

Title in Português:

Sexo fácil, películas tristes


Easy Sex, Sad Movies is a film that tells the story of a group of friends who are struggling with their relationships and personal issues. The main character, Ana, is a young woman who is trying to find herself and navigate the complexities of love and sex.

As Ana and her friends go through various romantic entanglements and heartbreaks, they turn to movies as a way to escape their problems and make sense of their lives.

The film explores themes of love, friendship, and the search for meaning in a world that often feels confusing and overwhelming.

Through a series of poignant and sometimes humorous moments, the characters in Easy Sex, Sad Movies learn valuable lessons about themselves and the nature of relationships.

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Play Title Artist
Easy Sex, Sad Movies
Cuidado con el Cyborg (Corre, Sarah Connor)

User reviews

David Hill

The music in Easy Sex, Sad Movies not only sets the mood but also acts as a character in itself, adding depth and dimension to the story. The soundtrack elevates the emotional impact of the film, making it a more powerful and resonant viewing experience.

Donna Allen

The soundtrack of Easy Sex, Sad Movies strikes a balance between melancholy and hope, mirroring the ups and downs of the characters' lives. It evokes a sense of nostalgia and introspection that complements the storytelling beautifully.

Steven Mitchell

I appreciate how the music in the film reflects the characters' struggles and growth throughout their journey. The songs chosen seem to resonate with the audience, creating a more immersive viewing experience.

Joseph Perez

I found the soundtrack of Easy Sex, Sad Movies to be repetitive and uninspired. The same musical motifs were reused throughout the film, making it feel monotonous and lacking in creativity. It failed to capture the depth and complexity of the characters' emotional journeys.

Daniel Scott

Overall, the music in the film complements the narrative beautifully, serving as a poignant and evocative backdrop to the characters' journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Brian King

The soundtrack of Easy Sex, Sad Movies perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' journeys. Each song resonates with the struggles and triumphs of love, friendship, and self-discovery portrayed in the film.

Daniel Adams

I found myself connecting deeply with the characters' experiences through the music, as it evoked feelings of nostalgia, hope, and resilience.

Margaret Jones

The soundtrack of Easy Sex, Sad Movies felt disconnected from the emotions portrayed on screen. The music choices seemed random and failed to enhance the storytelling, leaving me feeling detached from the characters' experiences.

Laura Parker

The soundtrack of Easy Sex, Sad Movies perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster of love and relationships portrayed in the film.

Donna Lopez

The musical choices in the film enhance the storytelling by providing insight into the characters' inner thoughts and feelings. The soundtrack adds layers of complexity to the narrative, making it more engaging and relatable.

Amanda Roberts

The music enhances the storytelling, creating a powerful and immersive experience for the audience. The carefully selected tracks evoke a range of emotions, from heartache to joy, mirroring the rollercoaster of emotions the characters go through.

Daniel Baker

The songs selected for the soundtrack of Easy Sex, Sad Movies did not match the tone or mood of the scenes they were paired with. This inconsistency created a jarring effect that detracted from my overall viewing experience. I wished for a more cohesive and thoughtfully curated musical accompaniment to complement the narrative of the film.

George White

The soundtrack of Easy Sex, Sad Movies perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster of love and relationships depicted in the film. Each song enhances the mood and adds depth to the characters' experiences.

Andrew Adams

The music enhances the storytelling by creating a mood that resonates with the struggles and triumphs of the characters, especially Ana's journey of self-discovery.

Donna Johnson

I found the soundtrack of Easy Sex, Sad Movies to be a refreshing mix of different genres and styles that blend seamlessly with the overall tone of the film. It adds texture and richness to the viewing experience, making it more memorable.

William Robinson

The soundtrack of Easy Sex, Sad Movies is not just a collection of songs, but a powerful storytelling tool that elevates the film to a more profound and memorable level.

Susan Taylor

The diversity of musical genres in the soundtrack adds layers to the film, highlighting the complexity of human emotions and relationships.

Melissa Wright

Each song in the soundtrack seems carefully chosen to reflect the different stages of love and heartbreak experienced by the characters, adding depth to their narratives.

Joshua Davis

The soundtrack of Easy Sex, Sad Movies is not just a collection of songs, but a vital component of the film's narrative. It elevates the viewing experience, making it a memorable and impactful exploration of the human experience.