Eden Lake Soundtrack (

Eden Lake Soundtrack (2008) cover

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Rating: 6.80/10 from 95000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Eden Lake

Title in Italiano:

Eden Lake

Title in Português:

O Lago Perfeito

Title in Français:

Eden Lake

Title in Türk:

Kan gölü

Title in Deutsch:

Eden Lake


Nursery teacher Jenny and her boyfriend Steve, escape for a romantic weekend away.

Steve, planning to propose, has found an idyllic setting: a remote lake enclosed by woodlands and seemingly deserted.

The couple's peace is shattered when a gang of obnoxious kids encircles their campsite.

Reveling in provoking the adults, the gang steals the couple's belongings and vandalizes their car leaving them completely stranded.

When Steve confronts them, tempers flare and he suffers a shocking and violent attack.

Fleeing for help, Jenny is subject to a brutal and relentless game of cat-and-mouse as she desperately tries to evade her young pursuers and find her way out of the woods.

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Eden Lake

User reviews

Deborah Smith

The soundtrack of Eden Lake helps to set the mood and atmosphere of the film, creating a chilling and unsettling ambiance that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Joseph Lee

Each track immerses you in the sense of isolation and fear that Jenny and Steve experience as they are hunted down by the gang of kids, adding another layer of intensity to the storyline.

Deborah Rodriguez

The music in Eden Lake enhances the sense of isolation and vulnerability felt by the characters, amplifying the sense of hopelessness and despair in their situation.

Linda Wright

) The musical score of Eden Lake often felt repetitive and uninspired, lacking the dynamic range needed to fully capture the escalating horror and desperation faced by the characters in the film.

Deborah Adams

The choice of music in certain scenes adds an emotional weight to the characters' struggles and challenges, making their plight more relatable and engaging.

Nancy Lewis

) The soundtrack of Eden Lake missed the opportunity to create a lasting emotional impact, with its lackluster composition failing to evoke a sense of dread or fear that would have heightened the overall viewing experience.

George Davis

The music effectively builds up the sense of dread and unease as the couple's peaceful weekend getaway turns into a nightmare, adding layers of intensity to the story.

William Martin

The soundtrack of Eden Lake perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the film, enhancing the chilling atmosphere with haunting melodies and eerie soundscapes.

Michael Miller

The haunting and suspenseful score of Eden Lake perfectly captures the tension and fear experienced by the characters throughout the film, enhancing the overall atmosphere.

Stephanie Roberts

The soundtrack of Eden Lake skillfully complements the escalating tension and suspense of the narrative, heightening the stakes and keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.

Lisa Anderson

Overall, the soundtrack of Eden Lake is a powerful and integral part of the film, contributing to its overall impact and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Matthew Harris

The use of subtle, eerie sounds in the soundtrack adds an extra layer of complexity to the film, creating a sense of impending doom that lingers throughout.

Mary Davis

The soundtrack of Eden Lake effectively captures the tension and suspense of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Donna Hill

The emotional depth conveyed through the soundtrack helps to immerse the audience in the characters' harrowing ordeal, making the viewing experience more impactful and engaging.

Ashley Wilson

The use of subtle melodies and eerie tones in the music enhances the sense of isolation and vulnerability felt by the protagonists, creating a chilling backdrop for the unfolding events.

Stephanie Walker

The evocative and powerful music in Eden Lake not only underscores the horror and brutality of the story but also adds a layer of depth and emotional resonance to the characters' struggles, making it a truly memorable and effective soundtrack.

Mary Walker

The haunting melodies and ominous tones in the soundtrack create a sense of unease and foreboding that stays with you long after the movie ends.

Timothy Garcia

The use of sound effects and music in key moments of the film adds depth and intensity to the storyline, making it a truly immersive experience.

Dorothy Phillips

The soundtrack effectively builds suspense and tension throughout the film, heightening the audience's sense of anticipation and dread.

Carol Lee

The music perfectly complements the escalating sense of danger and fear as the couple's peaceful weekend turns into a nightmare.

Donald Thomas

) The soundtrack of Eden Lake failed to effectively enhance the tension and suspense of the film during key moments, leaving me feeling disconnected from the intensity of the story.

Paul Green

The use of subtle cues and ominous tones builds anticipation and keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the movie, making the viewing experience truly unforgettable.