Eine Sennerin zum Verlieben Soundtrack (

Eine Sennerin zum Verlieben Soundtrack (2010) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Eine Sennerin zum Verlieben

Title in Italiano:

Eine Sennerin zum Verlieben

Title in Português:

Eine Sennerin zum Verlieben


Ariane Ostler manages a dairy farm in the mountains of Bavaria.Georg, mayor of the town of Reichertsbrunn and also restaurant owner , is a former lover of Ariane: he visits her often, but she is not interested in him.Bernhard Maywald is a very serious tax income inspector who has been sent to Reichertsbrunn to put in order the income tax system.After listening to an informal talk in the restaurant about Ariane Ostler he decides to visit Ariane Ostler on her farm.After a long walk and a fall he arrives and Ariane takes care of him.But when he begins to speak about incomes taxes she gets angry.He asks for a little place to sleep and she sends him to the barn.The next day Ariane goes down to Reichertsbrunn to try to explain her situation and to make peace with Bernhard,but the attempt fails.Bernhard writes his report and Ariane must pay a fine of 150.000 Euros.

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Eine Sennerin zum Verlieben