Entity Soundtrack (

Entity Soundtrack (2012) cover

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In 1998, thirty four unidentified bodies were found in shallow graves in a remote Siberian forest. After subsequent investigations, no official explanation by the Russian authorities was ever offered about the circumstances of the deaths. The case was closed.

In 2010, a small English TV crew from the show 'Darkest Secrets' set out for the Siberian forest. 'Darkest Secrets' focuses on revisiting the sites of unsolved crimes and they employ the gifts of a psychic whose extraordinary powers may help shed new light on cold cases. The last communication to their production office in London stated that they were approaching the Siberian region where the bodies were found. Nothing was heard from them again.

'Entity' is the story of what happened to them. The forest was only the beginning....

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Semburat Silang Warna
Laju Kereta
Panggilan Jiwa
Besok Mungkin Kita Sampai

User reviews

Timothy Scott

The use of subtle percussion and ethereal vocals in the soundtrack enhances the tension and suspense of the narrative, keeping the audience on edge throughout the film. The music seamlessly integrates with the visuals, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Susan Martin

The composer's choice of instrumentation, including traditional Russian folk instruments and modern electronic elements, adds a unique and culturally rich layer to the soundtrack. It helps to transport the audience into the world of the film and adds authenticity to the setting.

Mary Carter

One aspect of the soundtrack that stands out is its ability to convey a sense of isolation and helplessness. The music immerses the audience in the characters' desperation and fear, heightening the psychological impact of the story.

Linda White

I was impressed by the way the music in Entity seamlessly transitions between moments of quiet suspense and intense horror. The use of unconventional instruments and experimental sound design adds a unique and unsettling quality to the soundtrack, enhancing the overall sense of dread and foreboding throughout the film.

Stephanie Nelson

The soundtrack of Entity perfectly captures the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of the Siberian forest setting. The use of haunting melodies and dissonant tones creates a sense of unease that lingers throughout the film.

Donald Martin

The repetitive use of generic electronic beats in the soundtrack felt out of place and cheapened the overall viewing experience. It seemed like the composers took shortcuts instead of crafting a unique and immersive musical score that could enhance the story.

Emily Thomas

Overall, the soundtrack of Entity plays a crucial role in setting the tone and atmosphere of the film. It enhances the storytelling and adds depth to the chilling narrative, making it a key component of the viewing experience.

Melissa Allen

The soundtrack of Entity is hauntingly atmospheric, perfectly capturing the eerie and mysterious setting of the Siberian forest where the story unfolds. The blend of dark ambient sounds and subtle melodies creates a sense of unease and tension that grips you from the very first note.

Charles Jones

The music in Entity effectively builds tension and suspense, enhancing the viewer's emotional experience. The subtle use of sound effects and ominous sounds adds to the overall sense of dread and foreboding.

Michelle Garcia

I found the soundtrack of Entity to be uninspired and lacking emotional depth. The music failed to create a sense of suspense or tension, which is crucial for a horror film like this.

David Taylor

The composition and arrangement of the music in Entity is simply masterful. The intricate layering of sounds, from chilling whispers to dissonant drones, creates a rich sonic tapestry that immerses you in the chilling atmosphere of the Siberian forest. The soundtrack truly elevates the viewing experience, making Entity a truly unforgettable cinematic journey.

Betty Wright

Overall, the soundtrack of Entity is a standout aspect of the film that elevates the storytelling and immerses the audience in the chilling and mysterious world of the Siberian forest. It is a testament to the power of music in enhancing the emotional impact of a cinematic experience.

Jennifer Rodriguez

The soundtrack of Entity perfectly captures the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of the Siberian forest setting. The haunting melodies and ambient sounds create a sense of foreboding that adds depth to the storytelling.