Frailty is a psychological thriller film directed by Bill Paxton. The story follows a man named Fenton Meiks who approaches an FBI agent claiming that his brother Adam is the "God's Hand" serial killer. Fenton explains that their father, played by Paxton himself, believed he was receiving visions from God instructing him to kill demons disguised as humans.
As the story unfolds, Fenton recounts how his father forced him and Adam to participate in these gruesome murders, believing it was their duty to rid the world of evil. The film explores themes of faith, family, and the blurred lines between good and evil.
Frailty is praised for its chilling atmosphere, intense performances, and unexpected plot twists that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The film's ambiguous ending leaves audiences questioning the nature of reality and the power of belief.
Play | Title | Artist |
(There Will Be) Peace In The Valley For Me
A Real Country Song
Ball & Chain