Freche Mädchen 2 Soundtrack (

Freche Mädchen 2 Soundtrack (2010) cover

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Rating: 5.00/10 from 320 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Freche Mädchen 2

Title in Italiano:

Freche Mädchen 2

Title in Português:

Freche Mädchen 2

Title in Français:

Cheeky Girls 2

Title in Türk:

Freche Mädchen 2

Title in Deutsch:

Freche Mädchen 2


Freche Mädchen 2 is a German film that follows the story of three teenage girls, Mila, Hanna, and Kati, who are best friends. The girls are excited to spend their summer vacation together, but their plans are disrupted when Mila's father announces that they are moving to America.

Determined to stay together, the girls come up with a plan to convince Mila's father to let her stay in Germany. They decide to enter a music competition with a cash prize that would allow Mila to afford to stay.

As they prepare for the competition, the girls face challenges and obstacles that test their friendship. They must navigate through teenage drama, family issues, and romantic entanglements while staying focused on their goal.

Freche Mädchen 2 is a heartwarming and fun film that explores the power of friendship and determination. It is a story of three girls who refuse to give up on each other and their dreams, no matter what obstacles come their way.

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Freche Mädchen 2

User reviews

Linda Hall

Overall, the soundtrack of Freche Mädchen 2 plays a significant role in enhancing the overall viewing experience. It is a well-curated collection of songs that not only entertain but also deepen the emotional impact of the story, making it a memorable cinematic experience.

Edward Garcia

The songs chosen for key moments in the film help to intensify the emotions and create a strong connection with the characters.

David Martinez

Overall, the music in the film is a standout element that adds charm and vibrancy to the story of the three best friends.

Deborah King

The music in the film is diverse and engaging, featuring a mix of pop, rock, and electronic sounds that keep the audience hooked.

Donna Scott

One aspect that stands out in the soundtrack of Freche Mädchen 2 is the diversity of musical styles. From pop to rock to ballads, each song brings a unique flavor to the film, keeping the audience entertained and emotionally invested in the narrative.

Joseph Wilson

The music in the film often felt disconnected from the emotions and themes of the scenes. I was hoping for a more cohesive soundtrack that would enhance the storytelling and evoke stronger feelings from the audience.

Brian Moore

The music in Freche Mädchen 2 effectively conveys the emotions and struggles that the main characters face throughout the film. The lyrics and melodies complement the plot, enhancing the viewer's connection to the story and the characters' journey.

Richard Harris

The soundtrack of Freche Mädchen 2 perfectly captures the youthful and energetic vibe of the film. The upbeat and catchy tunes add an extra layer of excitement to the story, making it engaging and enjoyable to watch.

Anthony Martin

Some of the songs chosen for pivotal moments in the movie felt cliché and overused. I was expecting more originality and creativity in the music selection to truly elevate the emotional impact of the story.

Margaret Anderson

The songs in Freche Mädchen 2 are catchy and memorable, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Ashley Garcia

The soundtrack perfectly complements the themes of friendship, determination, and teenage resilience portrayed in the film.

Lisa Walker

The music adds depth and dimension to the storytelling, creating a rich and immersive viewing experience.

Ronald Parker

The soundtrack of Freche Mädchen 2 perfectly captures the emotions and energy of the film, enhancing the viewing experience.

William Anderson

The soundtrack of Freche Mädchen 2 is both uplifting and empowering, making it easy to root for the girls as they chase their dreams.

Carol Davis

I found the soundtrack of Freche Mädchen 2 to be quite repetitive and lacking in diversity. Many of the songs had similar melodies and beats, which made it feel monotonous after a while.