Freche Mädchen Soundtrack (

Freche Mädchen Soundtrack (2008) cover

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Rating: 5.10/10 from 601 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Enredos de chicas

Title in Italiano:

Freche Mädchen

Title in Português:

Freche Mädchen


"Freche Mädchen" is a German film that follows the story of three teenage girls, Mila, Hanna, and Kati, who are best friends. They are known for their rebellious and mischievous behavior, which often gets them into trouble. When they discover that their favorite hangout spot is going to be demolished, they decide to take matters into their own hands and save it. Along the way, they encounter challenges and obstacles that test their friendship and determination. Through their adventures, they learn valuable lessons about loyalty, friendship, and standing up for what they believe in. Will they be able to save their hangout spot and prove that they are more than just "freche Mädchen"?

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Freche Mädchen

User reviews

Carol Turner

The diverse range of music genres featured in the soundtrack adds depth and dimension to the film, reflecting the different personalities of Mila, Hanna, and Kati, and providing insight into their individual struggles and triumphs.

Mary Anderson

The emotional moments in the film were beautifully accompanied by touching and heartfelt songs in the soundtrack. The music helped convey the deep bond of friendship between Mila, Hanna, and Kati, making their struggles feel more relatable.

Margaret Harris

One of the standout aspects of the soundtrack is how it seamlessly integrates with the storyline, enhancing key moments and adding layers of meaning to the characters' development. The music not only entertains but also serves as a storytelling tool, making the journey of Mila, Hanna, and Kati even more compelling and memorable.

Kenneth Wright

Overall, I believe that the soundtrack of Freche Mädchen played a crucial role in enhancing the overall viewing experience of the film. The music helped establish the mood, build tension, and evoke emotions, making it an integral part of the storytelling process.

Matthew Campbell

I appreciated the diversity of music genres included in the soundtrack of Freche Mädchen. From pop to rock to ballads, each song contributed to creating a dynamic and engaging listening experience that mirrored the girls' diverse personalities.

Dorothy King

The music in Freche Mädchen is both energetic and emotional, creating a dynamic atmosphere that keeps the audience engaged and connected to the story. The combination of different musical styles and tones adds depth to the overall viewing experience and enhances the film's impact.

Anthony Walker

The music selection in the film complements the storyline well, creating a dynamic and engaging atmosphere that keeps the audience entertained and emotionally connected to the characters' journey.

Paul Young

The soundtrack of Freche Mädchen did a fantastic job of setting the tone for different scenes throughout the film. Whether it was a funny moment, a heartfelt conversation, or a thrilling chase, the music always complemented the on-screen action perfectly.

Kimberly Thompson

The soundtrack of Freche Mädchen perfectly captures the rebellious and adventurous spirit of the three teenage girls, enhancing the overall viewing experience with its energetic and catchy tunes.

Margaret Robinson

The emotional impact of the songs in Freche Mädchen is undeniable, as they not only convey the challenges and obstacles faced by the girls but also evoke a sense of empowerment and resilience that resonates with viewers long after the movie ends.

Timothy Garcia

The soundtrack of Freche Mädchen perfectly captures the rebellious and adventurous spirit of the three main characters. The music enhances the scenes where they are causing mischief and getting into trouble.

Thomas Hernandez

The soundtrack of Freche Mädchen perfectly captures the rebellious and adventurous spirit of the three main characters, Mila, Hanna, and Kati. Each track enhances the scenes and helps to convey the emotions and struggles of the girls as they navigate through their challenges.

Donna Campbell

I found the use of upbeat and energetic songs in the film's soundtrack to be very fitting for the story of three teenage girls trying to save their favorite hangout spot. The music added an extra layer of excitement to their adventures.