Frontier(s) is a French horror film directed by Xavier Gens. The story follows a group of young thieves who flee to the countryside after a botched robbery in Paris during a violent riot. Seeking refuge in an isolated inn, they soon realize that the owners are part of a twisted family with dark intentions.
As the group tries to escape, they are hunted down and tortured by the deranged family members who have a taste for blood. The film explores themes of survival, betrayal, and the lengths people will go to in order to protect themselves.
Frontier(s) is known for its intense and graphic scenes of violence, making it a must-watch for fans of extreme horror. The film has been praised for its gritty atmosphere and suspenseful plot, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Play | Title | Artist |
Evolution Reversed
Udi Kagan:
Under Your Skin
Udi Kagan:
Kill Me
Jean-Pierre Taïeb:
Tell Me
Jean-Pierre Taïeb:
I Like It
Jean-Pierre Taïeb:
Lili Marleen
Hans Leip: