Gary Unmarried is a sitcom that follows the life of Gary Brooks, a recently divorced father of two who is trying to navigate the world of dating and co-parenting with his ex-wife. Gary is a lovable but clueless guy who often finds himself in hilarious and awkward situations as he tries to balance his responsibilities as a father with his desire to find love again.
The show also focuses on Gary's relationship with his ex-wife, Allison, who is now dating a younger man. Despite their differences, Gary and Allison must learn to co-parent effectively for the sake of their children. Throughout the series, Gary's friends and family provide comic relief and support as he navigates the ups and downs of single parenthood.
Gary Unmarried is a heartwarming and funny show that explores the challenges and joys of starting over after a divorce. With its relatable characters and witty humor, it has become a favorite among viewers who enjoy a good laugh and a touching story.