GCB is a television series that follows the life of Amanda Vaughn, a recently widowed mother of two who moves back to her hometown of Dallas. Amanda is shocked to find that the women she used to bully in high school are now the popular mean girls of the community, known as the "Good Christian Bitches" or "GCBs".
As Amanda navigates her way through the social hierarchy of the town, she must confront her past and deal with the consequences of her actions. Along the way, she forms unlikely friendships and learns valuable lessons about forgiveness, redemption, and the true meaning of being a good Christian.
GCB is a witty and satirical take on the world of high society and religious hypocrisy, with a mix of drama, comedy, and scandal. The show explores themes of friendship, family, and faith, while also providing plenty of laughs and juicy gossip.
Play | Title | Artist |
Ancient Tangent
Bill Dalton:
Dreams & Thoughts
Bill Dalton: