"Gomorrah" is a gripping Italian crime drama series that follows the inner workings of the Camorra, a powerful and ruthless crime syndicate based in Naples. The show delves into the lives of various characters involved in the criminal organization, from street-level thugs to high-ranking bosses. Through their stories, viewers are given a raw and unflinching look at the violence, corruption, and moral decay that permeate every aspect of life in this underworld. As alliances shift, betrayals unfold, and power struggles escalate, the characters must navigate a treacherous landscape where loyalty is a rare commodity and survival is never guaranteed. With its gritty realism and complex characters, "Gomorrah" offers a chilling portrayal of the dark side of human nature and the consequences of living a life of crime.
Play | Title | Artist |
O' schiavo e o' re
Xiao chen gu shi
Teresa Teng:
Brava gente
Sadeness Part 1 (Radio Edit)
Play My Music
Alessandro 'Alle' Benassi: