Hyde, Jekyll, Me is a South Korean drama series that follows the story of Goo Seo Jin, a third-generation chaebol who runs a theme park called Wonderland. Seo Jin suffers from dissociative identity disorder, which causes him to have two different personalities: one is cold and ruthless, while the other is kind and gentle.
One day, Seo Jin meets Jang Ha Na, a circus performer who is hired to work at Wonderland. Ha Na soon discovers Seo Jin's secret and becomes entangled in his complicated life. As Seo Jin struggles to keep his two identities separate, Ha Na finds herself drawn to both sides of him.
As the series progresses, Seo Jin and Ha Na must navigate their growing feelings for each other while dealing with the challenges that come with Seo Jin's disorder. Will they be able to overcome their differences and find happiness together, or will Seo Jin's condition tear them apart?