Handsome Devil is a coming-of-age film that follows the story of Ned, a misfit teenager who is sent to a rugby-obsessed boarding school in Ireland. Ned is an outsider who doesn't fit in with the school's macho culture, but he finds an unlikely friend in Conor, the star rugby player.
As Ned and Conor's friendship grows, they must navigate the challenges of being true to themselves in a world that expects them to conform. The film explores themes of friendship, acceptance, and the courage to be different.
Handsome Devil is a heartwarming and poignant film that will resonate with anyone who has ever felt like they didn't belong.
Play | Title | Artist |
Handsome Devil
Think for a Minute
Stan Cullimore:
My Perfect Cousin
Go or Go Ahead
Obscurity Knocks
The Russians are Coming
Desire As
It's Yours
It's Yours
David Kitt: