Hard Sun is a British crime drama television series created and written by Neil Cross, starring Agyness Deyn and Jim Sturgess as two detectives with opposing viewpoints on the world and society. The series follows their investigation into a government conspiracy that threatens to expose a secret about the impending end of the world.
As they uncover more information about the Hard Sun file, they must navigate their own personal demons and moral dilemmas while trying to stay one step ahead of those who want to keep the truth hidden. The detectives must decide whether to use the information they have to save themselves or to try and prevent the catastrophe that could destroy everything they know.
The series explores themes of power, corruption, and the lengths people will go to in order to protect their own interests. With a ticking clock counting down to the end of the world, the detectives must race against time to uncover the truth and decide what actions they are willing to take in order to survive.