Hazard is a gripping thriller that follows the story of a young woman named Sarah who finds herself trapped in a deadly game of survival. After waking up in a mysterious room with no memory of how she got there, Sarah soon discovers that she is not alone. Along with several other strangers, she is forced to navigate a series of deadly traps and challenges set up by a sadistic mastermind known only as The Game Master.
As the group struggles to stay alive and unravel the mystery behind their predicament, Sarah realizes that there is more at stake than just her own life. With each passing challenge, she must confront her own fears and past traumas in order to survive. But as tensions rise and secrets are revealed, Sarah begins to question who she can trust and if anyone will make it out alive.
With its heart-pounding suspense and unexpected twists, Hazard is a thrilling ride that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.