Hell Baby is a horror-comedy film that follows a young couple, Jack and Vanessa, who move into a haunted house in New Orleans. Vanessa becomes possessed by a demon and starts exhibiting strange and violent behavior. Concerned for their unborn child, the couple seeks help from a pair of exorcists, Father Sebastian and Father Padrigo.
As the exorcists try to rid Vanessa of the demon, they encounter a series of bizarre and hilarious obstacles, including a nosy neighbor and a group of eccentric locals. The situation becomes even more complicated when Vanessa goes into labor, leading to a chaotic and supernatural showdown.
Hell Baby is a mix of horror and comedy, with plenty of gory and outrageous moments. The film is filled with dark humor and over-the-top performances, making it a unique and entertaining watch for fans of both genres.
Play | Title | Artist |
Hell Baby
When the Saints Go Marching In
Addio Del Passato from La Traviata
Silver Swan
Dies Irae from Requiem Mass In D Minor, KV626