Holes Soundtrack (

Holes Soundtrack (2003) cover

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Rating: 7.00/10 from 76464 votes
Tags: hole, stealing, digging
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

La maldición de los hoyos

Title in Italiano:

Holes - Buchi nel deserto

Title in Português:

Trabalhos Forçados


"But if you forget to come back for Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity." Those were the exact words spoken to young Elya Yelnats the day he forgot to repay Madame Zeroni. From then on his family was cursed with bad luck. One hundred years later Stanley Yelnats IV is accused of stealing a pair of cleats from a major league baseball player and sent to Camp Green Lake (a dry lake bed in the middle of the desert). It never rains at Camp Green Lake, it hasn't for one hundred years. The secretive and mysterious Warden has each inmate spend every day digging one hole to "build character." But when an artifact from the famous "Kissin' Kate" Barlow is found in a hole, the Warden forces the boys to work double time leading Stanley to deduce they're digging because the Warden is looking for something. But what? And how is the mystery of Camp Green Lake connected to Stanley's family curse?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Dig It
Mickey Petralia: Brenden jefferson, max kasch, shia labeouf & khleo thomas produced
Mickey Petralia: Writer
Byron Cotton: Performer
If Only
Andrew Davis: Performer
Louis Sachar: (pig lullaby) words
Eyes Down
Mark Oliver Everett: Writer
Eels: Performer
Keep 'N It Real
Shaggy: Performer
Shaggy: Writer
Mighty Fine Blues
Mark Oliver Everett: Writer
Eels: Performer
I'm Gonna Be a Wheel Someday
David Bartholomew: Writer
Teresa James: Performer
Down to the Valley
Little Axe: Performer
Little Axe: Writer
Everybody Pass Me By
Shake 'Em On Down
He's a Mighty Good Leader
Just Like You
Cowgirl Blues
Don't Give Up
I'm Gonna Run
Clear the Air
Happy Dayz
Let's Make a Better World
El Rosalito