"Hollywood Hot Tubs" is a 1984 comedy film that follows the story of a young man named James, who inherits a struggling hot tub business in Hollywood. Desperate to turn things around, James enlists the help of his friends to transform the business into a popular spot for the rich and famous. However, their plans are complicated when a rival hot tub business tries to sabotage their success. As James and his friends navigate the challenges of running a business in Hollywood, they also find themselves caught up in a series of hilarious misadventures. Will they be able to save their business and achieve their dreams, or will they be forced to close their doors for good?
Play | Title | Artist |
Hollywood Hot Tubs
You Make It Hard
Vic Radulich:
Good Radio
Alan Pasqua:
Jason Scheff: Performer Joel Goldsmith: Performer Joel Goldsmith: Produced Lisa Catherine Cohen: Writer Kevin Dukes: Guitars |
Drifting Under
Joel Goldsmith:
Joel Goldsmith: Keyboards Joel Goldsmith: Produced Heather Forsyth: Performer |
Then I Felt It
Vic Radulich:
Dear Computer
Hearin' Your Heart
Joel Goldsmith:
Joel Goldsmith: Produced Lisa Catherine Cohen: Writer Kevin Dukes: Guitars Donna McDaniel: Performer |
If This Is Love
Alan Pasqua:
Joel Goldsmith: Performer Joel Goldsmith: Produced Janis Liebhart: Lyrics Donna McDaniel: Performer |
Animal Love
In Your Eyes
Hot Steamy Nights