Hope Lost Soundtrack (

Hope Lost Soundtrack (2015) cover

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Rating: 3.90/10 from 1400 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Hope Lost

Title in Italiano:

Hope Lost


Hope Lost

Sofia is a young Romanian girl who dreams to become a show girl. Sofia meets Gabriel, an Eastern European producer who has been living in Rome who asks her to follow him that very same night: he is about to film a new reality show and he thinks there might be a part for her in it. Sofia reaches the conclusion that she cannot lose the opportunity of a lifetime and she gets into Gabriel's car.

As the dawn light filters through the sky, Gabriel has gone. Manor has taken his place; he organizes a bevy of extremely young girls from Eastern Europe. She is forced to work as a prostitute and she experiences violence and the steamy squalor of the punters' cars.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Hope Lost
91 percent
Piero Antolini: Performer
Piero Antolini: Performer
Back door
Piero Antolini: Performer
Bring the Jack
Piero Antolini: Performer
Broken mirror
Piero Antolini: Performer
Call the police
Piero Antolini: Performer
Piero Antolini: Performer
Don't lie to me
Piero Antolini: Performer
Evil beside
Piero Antolini: Performer
Hold your tongue
Piero Antolini: Performer
Hope lost
Piero Antolini: Performer
Piero Antolini: Performer
Jimic part1
Piero Antolini: Performer
Jimic part2
Piero Antolini: Performer
On tiptoe
Piero Antolini: Performer
Providence hotel
Piero Antolini: Performer
Piero Antolini: Performer
Piero Antolini: Performer
Spare me
Piero Antolini: Performer
Piero Antolini: Performer

User reviews

Lisa Clark

The haunting melodies and poignant lyrics of the songs evoke a deep sense of empathy for Sofia's character, making her story even more impactful and memorable.

Thomas Parker

The soundtrack of Hope Lost beautifully captures the emotional journey of the main character, Sofia, as she navigates through her dreams and struggles. The haunting melodies and poignant lyrics perfectly complement the dark and intense scenes of the movie, creating a deeply immersive experience for the audience.

Mark Turner

Overall, the music in Hope Lost plays a crucial role in conveying the depth of Sofia's character and the challenges she faces, making it a standout element of the film.

Nancy Hill

The haunting melodies and somber tones of the music evoke a feeling of melancholy that resonates with Sofia's struggles and hardships.

Amanda Thompson

The soundtrack of Hope Lost effectively captures the emotional journey of the main character, Sofia, as she navigates through her dreams and the harsh reality she faces.

Donna Smith

The musical choices in the film not only complement the visuals but also serve as a powerful storytelling tool, enhancing the themes of hope, loss, and resilience portrayed in the film.

John Turner

The use of Eastern European influences in the soundtrack adds authenticity to the setting and characters, immersing the audience in Sofia's world.

Lisa Williams

The soundtrack of Hope Lost effectively captures the dark and gritty atmosphere of Sofia's story, adding layers of emotion to the scenes.

Stephanie Scott

The soundtrack's blend of electronic beats and traditional instruments creates a unique and memorable sonic landscape that enhances the overall viewing experience.

Elizabeth Moore

The soundtrack successfully conveys the sense of hopelessness and despair that Sofia experiences throughout the film, intensifying the emotional impact of her journey.

Emily Nelson

Each track in the soundtrack of Hope Lost is carefully crafted to enhance the storytelling, evoking a wide range of emotions from hope and longing to despair and resilience. The music not only sets the tone for the film but also adds depth and complexity to the character development, making the audience truly connect with Sofia's plight and determination.

Donna Young

The music in Hope Lost effectively underscores the themes of exploitation and vulnerability, highlighting the harsh realities faced by young women like Sofia.

Carol Moore

The music enhances the atmospheric setting of the film, creating a sense of tension and despair that perfectly complements the dark themes of the story.

Mark Moore

The lack of a cohesive musical theme or motif throughout the film undermines its ability to create a consistent atmosphere and fails to effectively convey the despair and hopelessness that Sofia experiences in her tragic circumstances.

Patricia King

The use of Eastern European influences in the soundtrack adds an authentic touch to the film, immersing the audience in Sofia's cultural background and struggles.

Stephanie Robinson

The soundtrack of Hope Lost fails to capture the emotional depth and intensity of Sofia's harrowing journey from aspiring showgirl to a victim of human trafficking.

Anthony Adams

The soundtrack of Hope Lost skillfully conveys the raw emotions and inner turmoil of the characters, elevating the overall viewing experience and drawing viewers into the heart of the narrative.

William Mitchell

The music enhances the tension and suspense in the film, creating a sense of unease that reflects Sofia's desperate situation.

James Hill

Overall, the soundtrack of Hope Lost is a powerful and unforgettable aspect of the movie that elevates the storytelling to a whole new level. The combination of soulful vocals, stirring instrumentals, and evocative lyrics makes it a standout feature that will resonate with viewers long after the credits roll.

Donna Campbell

The music choices feel disconnected from the dark and gritty reality portrayed in the film, lacking the rawness and authenticity needed to enhance the viewer's experience and empathy for the characters.