"Hum" is a story about a wealthy and cruel businessman named Bhaktawar who rules over a dockyard, treating all the workers as his slaves. Despite their hard work, the workers do not receive any salary. The union leader, Tiger, stands up against this injustice and protests, but he is silenced by Bhaktawar. Tiger is unable to take drastic action against Bhaktawar because his father, Pratab, is Bhaktawar's bodyguard.
Exploiting Tiger's vulnerability, Bhaktawar publicly murders Pratab, which enrages Tiger. In retaliation, Tiger kills Bhaktawar, sets the dockyard on fire, and escapes from the police. Years later, Tiger has adopted a new identity as Shekhar, a respected man with two brothers, Kumar and Vijay. Now known as Shekhar, Tiger must ensure that his dark past remains buried and secure a bright future for his brothers.
Play | Title | Artist |
Jumma Chumma De De
Ek Doosre Se Karte Hain Pyar Hum