In Another Country is a short story written by Ernest Hemingway. The story follows a wounded American soldier who is receiving physical therapy in an Italian hospital during World War I. The soldier is disillusioned by the war and finds solace in playing sports and spending time with other soldiers in similar situations.
One day, the soldier meets a group of Italian officers who are also receiving therapy at the hospital. They bond over their shared experiences and form a close friendship. The soldier is inspired by the officers' resilience and determination to overcome their injuries.
As the soldier continues his therapy, he reflects on the futility of war and the impact it has had on his life. He longs for a sense of normalcy and dreams of returning to his home country.
Despite the challenges he faces, the soldier finds comfort in the camaraderie of his fellow soldiers and the support of the hospital staff. He learns valuable lessons about courage, perseverance, and the power of friendship.
In Another Country is a poignant exploration of the effects of war on individuals and the bonds that can form in times of adversity. Hemingway's spare prose and vivid imagery bring the story to life, capturing the emotional turmoil of the soldier and the resilience of the human spirit.