I Am David Soundtrack (

I Am David Soundtrack (2003) cover

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Rating: 7.20/10 from 8200 votes
Tags: first airplane ride, pack, calico cat
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

La fuerza del valor

Title in Italiano:

Io sono David

Title in Português:

O Sonho da Liberdade

Title in Français:

I Am David

Title in Türk:

I Am David

Title in Deutsch:

I Am David


In 1952, twelve-year-old David (Ben Tibber), who was raised in the Communist Belene Prison Camp in Bulgaria, witnesses the death of his friend and protector Johannes (Jim Caviezel) and escapes from the concentration camp in the night. He is advised to mistrust everybody, and together with a piece of bread, a compass, a piece of soap, a jackknife, and a sealed envelope to be delivered in Denmark, he travels though Greece and Italy heading north.

Along his journey, David discovers the beauty of the world and slowly he changes his behavior towards people. When he meets Sophie (Dame Joan Plowright), an old lady that lives in Switzerland and likes to paint as a hobby, she asks David to paint his face. Later she invites David to have lunch with her in her house, and David finally discloses his quest to her.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
I Am David
Ritmo Senti Che Ritmo
Natalino Otto: Performer
Winter from The Four Seasons
Antonio Vivaldi: Composer
Leonard Bernstein: Conducted
New York Philharmonic: Performer
Ave Verum
Cold Water
Damien Rice: Performer
Damien Rice: Vocals
Damien Rice: Writer

User reviews

Amanda Young

The soundtrack of I Am David perfectly captures the emotional journey of the main character, David, as he escapes from the Communist prison camp and embarks on his adventure across Europe.

Daniel Thompson

The subtle use of instruments and melodies in the soundtrack helps to convey the inner transformation of David, from a fearful and isolated boy to a brave and compassionate young man.

Deborah Williams

The composition of the soundtrack in I Am David feels disconnected from the film's setting and time period. The music does not evoke the atmosphere of post-World War II Europe, resulting in a jarring and mismatched auditory experience.

Charles Phillips

The soundtrack of I Am David lacks emotional depth and fails to capture the intense and harrowing journey of the main character. The music feels generic and uninspired, diminishing the impact of crucial moments in the story.

Stephanie Thompson

The music enhances the sense of hope and discovery that David experiences as he travels through different countries, meeting new people and learning to trust again.

Kimberly Harris

The soundtrack of I Am David effectively captures the emotional journey of the main character, David, as he escapes from a Communist prison camp and travels through different countries. The music enhances the sense of adventure and discovery in the story, creating a poignant and uplifting atmosphere that resonates with the viewer.

Betty Smith

On the other hand, some may find the soundtrack of I Am David to be a bit predictable and generic at times. While it effectively conveys the emotions of the characters and the overall tone of the film, some may argue that it lacks originality and fails to leave a lasting impact. Overall, the music serves its purpose in supporting the narrative but may not stand out as a memorable aspect of the film.

Daniel Brown

The use of repetitive themes and motifs in the soundtrack of I Am David becomes monotonous and predictable, failing to enhance the storytelling or engage the audience on an emotional level. The music feels like an afterthought rather than a crucial element of the film's narrative.