"I Am Not Okay with This" is a coming-of-age drama series that follows a teenage girl named Sydney who is dealing with the challenges of high school, family issues, and her emerging superpowers. As Sydney navigates through the ups and downs of adolescence, she discovers that she has the ability to move objects with her mind. However, this newfound power comes with its own set of complications as Sydney struggles to control it and keep it a secret from those around her. With the help of her best friend Dina and her quirky neighbor Stanley, Sydney must learn to harness her abilities while also dealing with the everyday struggles of being a teenager."
Play | Title | Artist |
I Am Not Okay with This
I'm Not Like Everybody Else - Mono Mix
I See It, I Like It, I Want It
Into Black
I Should Not Be Seeing You
Bad Things
I Remember Lucy
Hey Little Girl
Skipping Stones
Vanilla Skin
Something On Your Mind
Little Girl
Forever and Never
I'm Glad
Gotta Have Soul
Every Time You Go Away
I Wish I Was a Monkey
As Long As We're Together
Graham Coxon:
Bloody Witch
Graham Coxon:
Below the Sea
Graham Coxon:
A Higher Place
Graham Coxon:
I'm Yours Tonight
Graham Coxon: