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Ellen Ullmann is a furniture designer and has lived in Stockholm for about 3 years. Today, a wealthy businessman Anders Westblom, meets Ellen, he remembers well when Ellen was a boat designer and he would like to give Ellen an order for a boat. But she replies that she no longer works for her father's shipyard. A few hours later, Aunt Karen visits Ellen and explains that since the death of her wife, Stellan Ullmann, he is not interested in running the shipyard and may sell the shipyard. In the morning, Ellen decides to travel home, the first person she meets when she gets off the ferry is Lennardher's ex-boyfriend, who is a doctor and engaged to her sister Bibi, then she goes to the abandoned looking shipyard. Her father, Stellan asks. She tells him why she has returned and Ellen replies that she would like to help him and the shipyard. Stella left the room. Then Ellen meets Kari Karlsson, Stellan's sister-in-law, Ellen explains her meeting with her father. .