"Inside Moves" is a heartwarming story about a man named Roary who becomes paralyzed after a failed suicide attempt. He finds solace in a group of misfits at a local bar, including a former basketball player named Jerry who also has his own struggles. Together, they form a bond and support each other through their challenges. When Jerry gets a chance to try out for a professional basketball team, Roary must confront his own fears and insecurities. The film explores themes of friendship, redemption, and the power of human connection.
Play | Title | Artist |
Inside Moves
Put Your Dreams Away
Lonely Bull
What Have You Got to Lose
Eric Kaz:
Bill Schnee: Courtesy of a&m records, incorporated produced & engineered Pablo Cruise: Performer |
It's Your Move
Something's Missing (in My Life)
Paul Jabara:
Just Be Free
You Make It So Hard (To Say No)
Boz Scaggs:
Beautiful Dreamer
Paul Jabara:
Captain Bligh
Count Basie: