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Josh abandoned his studies after his parents' death to keep the North Dakota fourth generation ranch running, which requires turning it into a dude ranch, with him as cowboy foreman and host, his sister Taylor as cook and desk.
But the numbers don't add up anymore, they risk foreclosure, so she wants to accept an offer form a ranching conglomerate to annex their land. He wants to hold out, at least till the impending centennial festival, hoping for a better offer.
The only alternative arrives when sportswear tycoon Roger is looking for a new venture, and his deal closer Ben being occupied securing a distribution center in Arizona, sends the other candidate for VP, dreamy Alex, to check it out, without making any promises.
Hearing Ben closed his deal, she wants to go the extra mile for this project and offers to stay the weekend so Josh can show her the whole ranch experience, which works out well giving her horse riding youth and Josh's persuasive charms. Ben however brings Roger round with an alternative plan.