A renegade cop named Kendall Holly Schmidt, who is an inter-dimensional guardian, must face a gauntlet of difficult trials when a rogue group of guardians attempt to kill him in order to take over the universe.
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K.H.S. Ultimate
The Prophecy
Concerning Hobbits
The Shadow of the Past
The Treason of Isengard
The Black Rider
At the Sign of the Prancing Pony
A Knife in the Dark
Flight to the Ford
Many Meetings
The Council of Elrond (feat. "Aniron") [Theme for Aragorn and Arwen]
The Ring Goes South
A Journey in the Dark
The Bridge of Khazad Dum
Lothlorien (feat. "Lament for Gandalf")
The Great River
Amon Hen
The Breaking of the Fellowship (feat. "In Dreams")