Kit Kat is a story about a young girl named Katie who discovers a magical chocolate bar that grants her the ability to travel through time. With each bite of the Kit Kat, Katie finds herself transported to different moments in history, from ancient civilizations to futuristic worlds.
As Katie explores these new worlds, she learns valuable lessons about the importance of friendship, courage, and perseverance. Along the way, she encounters challenges and obstacles that test her strength and determination.
Through her adventures, Katie realizes that the power of the Kit Kat comes with great responsibility. She must use her newfound abilities wisely and learn to appreciate the present moment, rather than constantly seeking to escape into the past or future.
Kit Kat is a heartwarming tale that reminds readers of the magic that can be found in everyday life, if only we take the time to savor it.
Play | Title | Artist |
Kit Kat
Time (You and I)
I'm Glad
Be Thankful For What You Got