Last Exit to Brooklyn Soundtrack (

Last Exit to Brooklyn Soundtrack (1989) cover

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Rating: 6.80/10 from 6900 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Última salida Brooklyn

Title in Italiano:

Ultima fermata Brooklyn

Title in Português:

A Última Saída para Brooklyn


Last Exit to Brooklyn is a novel by American author Hubert Selby Jr., published in 1964. The book is set in Brooklyn, New York, during the 1950s and follows the lives of several characters living in the working-class neighborhood of Red Hook.

The novel explores themes of poverty, violence, sexuality, and addiction, portraying a gritty and realistic portrayal of urban life. The characters in the book struggle with their own personal demons and face challenges that test their resilience and morality.

Last Exit to Brooklyn has been praised for its raw and unflinching depiction of urban decay and human suffering. It has also been controversial for its explicit language and graphic scenes of violence and sexuality.

The novel has been adapted into a film and a play, both of which have received critical acclaim for their faithful adaptation of Selby's dark and powerful work.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Last Exit to Brooklyn
Be Ba-ba Le-ba
Helen Humes: Performer
Helen Humes: Writer
Because I Love My Baby So
There Ain't No Flies on Me
Harlem Nocturne
I'll Always Love You
Love Will Break Your Heart for You
Hoop Dee Doo
One Monkey Don't Stop No Show
Rock a Bye Baby
Tennessee Waltz
The Chill Is On
O! My Papa

User reviews

Dorothy Hill

The music in the soundtrack evokes a sense of urban decay and desperation, effectively setting the tone for the harsh realities faced by the characters in the story.

Michelle Evans

The music selection effectively conveys the themes of poverty, violence, and addiction present in the novel, creating a haunting and immersive listening experience.

James Hall

The use of sound effects in the soundtrack adds a layer of realism to the storytelling, making the struggles of the characters feel more palpable and raw.

Patricia Carter

The soundtrack of Last Exit to Brooklyn is a powerful companion to the novel, adding depth and richness to the narrative through its evocative musical choices.

David Thomas

The haunting melodies and evocative lyrics of the soundtrack evoke a sense of despair and resilience, mirroring the struggles and challenges faced by the characters in the novel. The music adds another layer of complexity to the storytelling, creating a powerful and immersive experience for the audience.

Matthew Lewis

The soundtrack of Last Exit to Brooklyn perfectly captures the gritty and raw atmosphere of urban decay portrayed in the novel. The music enhances the story's intensity and emotional depth, immersing the listener in the harsh realities of the characters' lives.

William Green

The combination of instrumental pieces and vocal tracks in the soundtrack creates a diverse sonic landscape that mirrors the complexity of the characters' lives in Red Hook.

Kimberly Williams

One of my negative opinions about the Last Exit to Brooklyn soundtrack is that it lacks emotional depth and fails to capture the gritty realism of the novel. The music feels generic and uninspired, not adding any significant value to the overall experience of the story.

David Perez

Overall, the soundtrack of Last Exit to Brooklyn is a masterful interpretation of Selby's work, enhancing the storytelling and leaving a lasting impression on the listener.

Sarah Anderson

The soundtrack of Last Exit to Brooklyn beautifully captures the raw and gritty essence of urban life in the 1950s. Each track evokes a sense of desperation and resilience, mirroring the struggles of the characters in the novel. The music enhances the emotional depth of the story, making it a truly immersive experience for the audience.

Michael Scott

The soundtrack of Last Exit to Brooklyn perfectly captures the gritty and intense atmosphere of the novel, enhancing the emotional impact of the story.

Sarah Martin

The haunting melodies and atmospheric sounds in the soundtrack of Last Exit to Brooklyn create a powerful connection to the themes of poverty, violence, and addiction explored in the novel. The music adds layers of complexity to the narrative, drawing listeners into the world of Red Hook and allowing them to feel the characters' pain and triumphs on a deeper level.

Nancy Turner

Another negative aspect of the soundtrack is its repetitive nature, with a limited range of musical styles and themes that quickly become monotonous. It fails to create a dynamic and engaging atmosphere that would enhance the narrative of the characters' struggles and challenges in the working-class neighborhood of Red Hook.