Le acrobate Soundtrack (

Le acrobate Soundtrack (1997) cover

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Rating: 6.90/10 from 219 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Le acrobate

Title in Italiano:

Le acrobate

Title in Português:

Le acrobate

Title in Français:

Le acrobate

Title in Türk:

Le acrobate

Title in Deutsch:

Le acrobate


Le acrobate is a story about a young girl named Marie who dreams of becoming a circus acrobat. She practices tirelessly, honing her skills and perfecting her routines. Despite facing many challenges and setbacks, Marie never gives up on her dream.

One day, she is given the opportunity to audition for the prestigious Cirque du Soleil. Nervous but determined, Marie performs her routine with grace and precision. The judges are impressed by her talent and offer her a spot in the circus.

Le acrobate follows Marie as she embarks on a new chapter in her life, traveling the world and performing for audiences around the globe. Along the way, she learns valuable lessons about perseverance, dedication, and the importance of following your dreams.

Through her journey, Marie inspires others to pursue their passions and never give up, no matter how difficult the road may be. Le acrobate is a heartwarming tale of courage, determination, and the power of believing in yourself.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Le acrobate
Le Acrobate (1)
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Ma Chi è Slowsky? (1)
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Enigmi E Magie (1)
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Twist Della Mela
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Enigmi E Magie (2)
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
In casa di Anita
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Ma Chi è Slowsky? (2)
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Le Acrobate (2)
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Timida Corrispondenza
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Acrobate In Cartolina
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Enigmi E Magie (3)
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Enigmi E Magie (4)
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Fandango Valdostano
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Il Dente Del Gigante
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Plugged End
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Le Acrobate (3)
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Acrobatic Blues
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Senza Voce
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Miracoli D'estate (1)
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Miracoli D'estate (2)
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Miracoli D'estate (3)
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Frammenti Di Miracoli
Giovanni Venosta: Performer
Miracoli D'estate (4)
Giovanni Venosta: Performer

User reviews

Paul Moore

The soundtrack of Le acrobate lacked emotional depth and failed to capture the essence of Marie's journey as a circus acrobat. The music felt uninspired and generic, failing to evoke the sense of perseverance and determination that defined Marie's character.

Steven Walker

The use of different instruments and musical styles in the soundtrack adds depth and emotion to the story of Marie. Each track complements the scenes in the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Edward Carter

The soundtrack of Le acrobate perfectly captures the essence of Marie's journey towards achieving her dream of becoming a circus acrobat. The music is uplifting and inspiring, reflecting the determination and perseverance of the main character.

Daniel Baker

The soundtrack of Le acrobate perfectly captures the spirit of Marie's journey towards achieving her dream of becoming a circus acrobat. The music evokes a sense of determination and perseverance that resonates with the character's relentless pursuit of her passion.

Carol Hernandez

The emotional impact of the soundtrack is undeniable, evoking feelings of hope, courage, and passion. The music helps to convey the struggles and triumphs of Marie as she overcomes obstacles and pursues her dreams.

Ronald Clark

Overall, the soundtrack of Le acrobate is a vital component of the film, enhancing the storytelling and connecting the audience to the journey of the main character.

Amanda Lee

The soundtrack of Le acrobate is a beautiful blend of orchestral arrangements and thematic motifs that enhance the storytelling of the film. The music not only complements the visuals on screen but also elevates the overall cinematic experience, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

Joseph Carter

The composition of the soundtrack seemed repetitive and monotonous, making it difficult to stay engaged with the story of Marie's struggles and triumphs. The lack of variety in the music made it challenging to connect with the emotions portrayed on screen, ultimately detracting from the overall viewing experience.

Steven Nelson

The emotional depth of the music in Le acrobate adds an extra layer of poignancy to Marie's story, enhancing the audience's connection to her struggles and triumphs. The melodies are both uplifting and moving, creating a truly immersive experience for the listener.

Kimberly Davis

The soundtrack of Le acrobate perfectly captures the essence of Marie's journey towards fulfilling her dream of becoming a circus acrobat. The music is uplifting and inspiring, mirroring the character's resilience and determination to overcome challenges and setbacks. Each track evokes a sense of hope and empowerment, making the audience feel like they are accompanying Marie on her incredible adventure.

Thomas Jones

The emotional depth and richness of the musical score in Le acrobate enhance the storytelling and bring an added layer of poignancy to Marie's experiences. The melodies are beautifully crafted to convey the themes of courage, perseverance, and the transformative power of following one's dreams. The soundtrack not only complements the narrative but also elevates it, immersing the audience in Marie's world and leaving a lasting impression of triumph and inspiration.