00 Schneider - Jagd auf Nihil Baxter is a German comedy film directed by Helge Schneider. The film follows the adventures of detective 00 Schneider as he embarks on a mission to track down the notorious criminal Nihil Baxter.
The film is a parody of detective movies and features absurd humor, quirky characters, and surreal situations. 00 Schneider must use his wit and cunning to outsmart Nihil Baxter and bring him to justice.
As the story unfolds, 00 Schneider encounters a series of bizarre challenges and obstacles that test his detective skills and push him to his limits. With the help of his trusty sidekick, Schultze, 00 Schneider navigates through a world of eccentric criminals, strange clues, and unexpected twists.
Will 00 Schneider be able to capture Nihil Baxter and solve the case? Watch 00 Schneider - Jagd auf Nihil Baxter to find out!