Lost in America is a comedy film directed by Albert Brooks. The story follows a married couple, David and Linda Howard, who decide to quit their jobs and travel across the country in an RV. They believe this adventure will bring them freedom and happiness, but soon realize that life on the road is not as glamorous as they imagined.
As they encounter various challenges and setbacks, David and Linda must confront their own insecurities and reevaluate their priorities. The film explores themes of disillusionment, self-discovery, and the pursuit of the American Dream.
Lost in America is a satirical take on the mid-life crisis and the desire for a simpler, more authentic way of living. It offers a humorous yet poignant look at the pitfalls of chasing after an idealized version of success.
Play | Title | Artist |
Lost in America
Love Is in Control (Finger on the Trigger)
Born to Be Wild
It's You Alone
Gail Davies:
The Big W
Ernest Gold:
(from it's a mad mad mad mad world (1963))
Bubbles in the Wine
New York, New York