Luckytown Soundtrack (

Luckytown Soundtrack (2000) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Luckytown blues

Title in Italiano:


Title in Português:

Jogar é Viver


If you find your dad, what happens next? When she turns 18, unhappy Lidda Daniels leaves Southern California to look for Charlie, her father, a professional gambler who abandoned her years before. On her way to Vegas, she picks up Colonel, a video store clerk whom she finds attractive even though they've never spoken. He's is happy to go, in part because he sees himself as a great poker player. It takes Lidda time to track down Charlie, who's involved in his own tangles: he's freshly back in Vegas for high-stakes poker with Tony, an old nemesis. Tony is jealous of Charlie over a woman, plus Tony has a new habit of hiring a hit man to kill anyone who beats him. Can anyone win?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
I Think She Likes Me
Treat Her Right: Performer
Mark Sandman: Produced
Mark Sandman: Writer
Beauty Queen
Of(f) This World
Ned Douglas: Produced
David Lowery: Produced
Tim Bomba: Produced
Sins of the Fathers
She Spins Around
Barry Goldberg: Produced
That's Fat
Shane Faber: Writer
Another Lovely Day
Barry Goldberg: Produced