Lupin III: Voyage to Danger is a Japanese animated film that follows the adventures of the master thief Lupin III and his gang as they embark on a dangerous mission to retrieve a stolen diamond. The diamond holds the key to a hidden treasure, and Lupin must outwit both the police and a rival thief to claim it.
As Lupin and his crew travel across the globe in search of the diamond, they encounter a series of obstacles and challenges that test their skills and cunning. From high-speed chases to daring heists, Lupin III: Voyage to Danger is a thrilling ride filled with action, suspense, and humor.
Will Lupin be able to outsmart his enemies and secure the diamond for himself? Or will he be outwitted in the end? Find out in this exciting adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
Play | Title | Artist |
Lupin III: Dark Order of Assasination
Destiny Love
Yuji Ohno: