Légers quiproquos Soundtrack (

Légers quiproquos Soundtrack (1989) cover

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Rating: 7.00/10 from 60 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Pequeños equívocos

Title in Italiano:

Kleine Mißverständnisse

Title in Português:

Kleine Mißverständnisse

Title in Français:

Petits quiproquos

Title in Türk:

Légers quiproquos

Title in Deutsch:

Légers quiproquos


"Piccoli equivoci" is a comedy film that tells the story of two friends, Luca and Marco, who decide to swap houses for a week. However, things take an unexpected turn when Luca's girlfriend, Sara, mistakenly believes that Marco is cheating on her with another woman. As a result, a series of misunderstandings and misadventures ensue, leading to hilarious situations and confusion. Will Luca and Marco be able to clear up the misunderstandings and salvage their relationships? Watch "Piccoli equivoci" to find out!

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Légers quiproquos

User reviews

Robert Turner

The soundtrack of Piccoli equivoci perfectly captures the lighthearted and comedic tone of the film. The upbeat and whimsical melodies enhance the comedic moments and add an extra layer of fun to the storyline.

Stephanie King

The soundtrack of Piccoli equivoci perfectly captures the playful and humorous tone of the film. The lively and upbeat music sets the mood for the comedic situations that unfold throughout the story.

Joseph Anderson

Each track in the soundtrack enhances the comedic timing and adds depth to the characters' emotions, making the film even more engaging and entertaining.

Kimberly Davis

Edward Smith

The use of catchy melodies and whimsical arrangements in the soundtrack of Piccoli equivoci creates a memorable and immersive viewing experience, making it a joy to listen to even outside of the movie context.

John Davis

The use of different musical styles and instruments in the soundtrack helps to create a dynamic and engaging listening experience. From playful piano tunes to lively brass sections, the variety in the music keeps the audience entertained and immersed in the story.