Maharaj Soundtrack (

Maharaj Soundtrack (2024) cover

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Karsandas Mulji is born in a Gujarati Vaishnav family. He moves to his uncle's place in Mumbai after his mother passes away and grows up in Mumbai becoming a journalist. He is engaged to Kishori. The local people are devotees of Maharaj Jadunath Brijratan "JJ". Kishori is also a devotee of JJ and respects him a lot.

During Holi celebrations Kishori is chosen by JJ for Charan Seva. Karsandas when searching for Kishori finds her sleeping with JJ. Furious at Kishori he breaks off the engagement. Karsandas understands that JJ uses women for sex under the disguise of seva. Kishori also understands that JJ is just using her when she sees him trying to sleep with her younger sister. Kishori commits suicide and in her last letter to Karsandas she tells him to bring forward the reality of JJ to the public.

Karsandas decides to write an article about JJ's assaults and publish it. He sets up a new printing press creating his newspaper, Satyaprakash. When he tries to publish his article, JJ's men steal and burn printed papers. He prints another article and manages to put it out in public with the help of his workers and Viraaj, his new assistant. Many people read this article and this starts causing problems for JJ.

An enraged JJ closes the Mahal doors for the public to make the public force Karsandas to apologize to him. Karsandas manages to convince people that prayers can be said anywhere and it is not necessary to enter the Mahal. JJ files a case of libel against Karsandas. Karsandas decides to fight the case in court.

Initially he finds it difficult to find any witnesses but later on, JJ's wife helps Karsandas in finding Lilawaiti who is pregnant with JJ's child and will testify. JJ manages to convince Lilawati against testifying by killing her brother and getting her married to his assistant. Still Karsandas manages to find other women who testify against JJ. The court finds Karsandas not guilty of libel and also starts criminal proceedings against JJ for his crimes. Most people stop respecting JJ. Karsandas is held a hero.

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