Masamune-kun No Revenge Soundtrack (

Masamune-kun No Revenge Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 6.50/10 from 3600 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Masamune-kun No Revenge

Title in Italiano:

La vendetta di Masamune

Title in Português:

Masamune-kun's Revenge

Title in Français:

Masamune-kun No Revenge


As a child, Masamune Makabe once suffered greatly at the hands of a wealthy and beautiful girl named Aki Adagaki, who nicknamed him "Piggy" due to his chubby appearance.

Seeking revenge against his tormentor, Masamune works hard to improve himself and returns as an incredibly handsome, albeit narcissistic, high school student.

When he encounters Aki once again, he is prepared to exact vengeance.

With the aid of the rich girl's maid, Yoshino Koiwai, Masamune slowly begins to build his relationship with Aki, intending to break her heart when the time is right.

However, as his friendship with Aki begins to grow, Masamune starts to question the objectives of his devious plans, and if bringing them to fruition is what his heart truly desires.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Masamune-kun No Revenge
Wagamama Mirror Heart
Ayaka Ohashi: Performer

User reviews

William Lee

I found the soundtrack of Masamune-kun No Revenge to be quite repetitive and lacking in emotional depth. The same melodies seemed to be used over and over again, making the listening experience monotonous and uninspiring.

Robert Smith

The use of different musical themes and motifs in the soundtrack of Masamune-kun No Revenge helps to underscore the evolution of Masamune's character, from a vengeful and self-absorbed individual to someone who starts questioning the true motivations behind his actions. The music plays a crucial role in highlighting the internal struggles and growth of the protagonist.

Anthony Evans

The soundtrack of Masamune-kun No Revenge perfectly captures the emotional journey of the characters, from the initial hurt and desire for revenge to the eventual self-reflection and inner conflict.

Joshua Lee

The emotional depth and complexity of the characters are beautifully reflected in the soundtrack, making it a key element in enhancing the overall impact of the series.

John Hall

Overall, the soundtrack of Masamune-kun No Revenge is a standout element of the series, adding depth and dimension to the characters and their relationships. It is a musical masterpiece that enhances the narrative and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

Matthew Perez

The soundtrack of Masamune-kun No Revenge perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' relationships, enhancing the storytelling and creating a captivating atmosphere throughout the series.

Joshua Miller

The music sets the tone for the series beautifully, enhancing the dramatic and comedic moments with its well-crafted melodies and arrangements.

Matthew Allen

The soundtrack of Masamune-kun No Revenge is not just a background element, but a crucial part of the storytelling that elevates the viewing experience and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

Karen Martinez

Another negative aspect of the soundtrack was that it failed to capture the complex emotions and character development of the story. The music felt disconnected from the characters' inner struggles and failed to enhance the storytelling, leaving a disconnect between the visuals and the auditory experience.

Linda Rodriguez

Overall, the soundtrack of Masamune-kun No Revenge is a standout feature of the series, effectively setting the tone for each scene and enhancing the viewer's emotional connection to the characters. The music adds depth and dimension to the storytelling, making it a memorable aspect of the anime experience.

David Mitchell

The use of different musical elements, from haunting melodies to upbeat rhythms, enhances the storytelling and immerses the audience in Masamune's journey of self-improvement and self-discovery. The music creates a powerful atmosphere that intensifies the emotional impact of key scenes, making the viewing experience truly captivating.

Robert Jones

The soundtrack of Masamune-kun No Revenge perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster ride of the main character, Masamune Makabe. Each track is masterfully composed to convey the feelings of revenge, determination, and inner conflict that Masamune experiences throughout the series.

Andrew Martin

The use of different musical styles and instruments in the soundtrack adds depth to the storytelling, creating a rich and immersive experience for the viewers.

Michael Williams

The music in Masamune-kun No Revenge effectively conveys the inner turmoil and conflicting emotions that Masamune experiences as he navigates between seeking revenge and developing genuine feelings for Aki. The soundtrack adds layers of depth to the character development and adds to the overall appeal of the show.