Max Payne Soundtrack (

Max Payne Soundtrack (2008) cover

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Rating: 5.40/10 from 130000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Max Payne

Title in Italiano:

Max Payne

Title in Português:

Max Payne

Title in Français:

Max Payne

Title in Türk:

Max Payne

Title in Deutsch:

Max Payne


Three years ago, NYPD detective Max Payne's wife and baby were murdered. Max gets himself transferred to the cold case office where he can continue searching for the killer who got away. He's a loner, but two people reach out to him during a fateful week: Alex, his ex-partner who may have found a clue, and BB, the security chief at the pharmaceutical company where Max's wife worked.

Meanwhile, bodies are piling up, some as a result of a drug on the street that is highly addictive and, for many who take it, brings hideous hallucinations. When one of the bodies is a woman Payne was the last to see alive, her sister comes looking for him armed to the teeth; Max must move fast.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Max Payne
Forgotten Toy
Paul Stoney: Writer
Room 405
Paul Stoney: Writer
Oscar 1208
Paul Stoney: Writer
Paul Stoney: Writer
Max Attacks
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Payneful Piano
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Colvin Quivers
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Storming The Office
Marco Beltrami: Performer
No Respects For You
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Lupino Spreads His Wings
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Max Returns Home
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Factoring Max
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Window Payne
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Dark Haven
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Vote For Dennis
Marco Beltrami: Performer
BB's Maxim
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Max Marches On
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Heaven To The Max
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Topless Fanfare
Marco Beltrami: Performer

User reviews

Emily Phillips

I found the soundtrack of Max Payne to be quite underwhelming and uninspired. The music failed to capture the gritty and intense atmosphere of the game, lacking the emotional depth needed to enhance the narrative.

Mary Thomas

The repetitive nature of the tracks became tedious quickly, with a lack of variety in the compositions making it feel like background noise rather than a significant part of the gaming experience.

Dorothy Mitchell

The haunting and atmospheric score of Max Payne perfectly captures the dark and gritty tone of the game, immersing players in the noir-inspired world.

Robert Clark

The sound design in Max Payne is top-notch, with each track blending seamlessly with the gameplay and contributing to the overall sense of immersion.

Steven Harris

The use of melancholic piano melodies and brooding orchestral arrangements adds a layer of complexity to the game's narrative, drawing players deeper into the protagonist's psyche.

Mark Martinez

The soundtrack of Max Payne perfectly captures the gritty and dark atmosphere of the game, enhancing the overall experience for the player.

David Williams

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack of Max Payne create a sense of suspense and tension, keeping players on the edge of their seats throughout the game.

James Wright

The use of electronic elements in the soundtrack adds a modern and edgy feel to the game, complementing the neo-noir aesthetic of the story. The pulsating beats and atmospheric synths elevate the gameplay, making each moment more thrilling and engaging. The music truly enhances the overall experience of playing Max Payne and helps immerse you in the dark and dangerous world of the game.

John Walker

Overall, I believe that the soundtrack of Max Payne missed the mark in delivering a memorable and impactful musical accompaniment to the game's dark and compelling story.

Laura Moore

The fusion of electronic beats with orchestral elements creates a unique and memorable sound that sets Max Payne apart from other video game soundtracks.

David Parker

The dynamic soundtrack seamlessly transitions between intense action sequences and quiet, reflective moments, enhancing the overall pacing of the gameplay experience.

Matthew Taylor

The music in Max Payne effectively conveys the emotional depth of the protagonist's journey, adding layers of complexity to the storyline.

Joshua Walker

The soundtrack of Max Payne perfectly captures the dark and gritty atmosphere of the game, enhancing the sense of suspense and tension during intense action sequences. The haunting melodies and moody tones create an immersive experience that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Joseph Rodriguez

Overall, the soundtrack of Max Payne serves as a powerful storytelling tool, enhancing the player's emotional connection to the characters and the unfolding plot.

Matthew Thomas

The use of industrial and electronic elements in the music of Max Payne complements the game's noir aesthetic, immersing players in its bleak and atmospheric world.

Lisa Lopez

The music in Max Payne effectively enhances the action sequences, adding an adrenaline-pumping intensity to the gameplay experience.

Mary Martin

The music enhances the emotional depth of Max Payne's story, effectively conveying the pain, loss, and desperation he feels throughout his journey.

Matthew Nelson

The atmospheric soundscape of Max Payne helps establish a sense of place and time, drawing players deeper into the game's narrative and setting.

Karen Green

The soundtrack of Max Payne features a diverse range of tracks that fit seamlessly with the different moods and settings of the game, showcasing the versatility of the composers.

Donna Hill

The music effectively heightens the suspense and tension during key gameplay moments, keeping players on the edge of their seats and fully engaged in the action.

William Smith

Overall, the soundtrack of Max Payne is a standout feature of the game, showcasing the talent and creativity of the composers involved in crafting a memorable and impactful musical experience.