Mercano, el marciano is a 2002 Argentine animated film directed by Juan Antin. The story follows Mercano, a Martian who lands on Earth and is mistaken for a dog by a young boy named Julián. Mercano is taken in by Julián's family and experiences the human world for the first time.
As Mercano tries to adapt to his new surroundings, he encounters various challenges and misunderstandings. He struggles to communicate with humans and navigate their customs and technology. Meanwhile, a group of scientists becomes aware of Mercano's presence and sets out to capture him for study.
Throughout the film, Mercano learns valuable lessons about friendship, acceptance, and the importance of communication. The story explores themes of alienation, identity, and the beauty of diversity.
Will Mercano be able to find his place in this strange new world, or will he be forced to return to his home planet?