"Tekkonkinkreet is a Japanese animated film that follows the story of two orphaned street kids, Black and White, who rule over the streets of Treasure Town. Black is the older, more aggressive brother who is fiercely protective of White, a younger, more innocent boy with psychic abilities.
Together, they navigate the dangerous and chaotic world of Treasure Town, facing off against rival gangs and corrupt adults who seek to take over their territory. As their bond is tested and their pasts come back to haunt them, Black and White must confront their inner demons and fight to protect each other and their home.
With stunning visuals and a unique blend of action, drama, and fantasy, Tekkonkinkreet is a visually striking and emotionally powerful film that explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the struggle for survival in a harsh urban environment."
Play | Title | Artist |
Aru machi no gunjô