Meteor Garden Soundtrack (

Meteor Garden Soundtrack (2001) cover

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Rating: 7.80/10 from 987 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Liu xing hua yuan

Title in Italiano:

Meteor Garden

Title in Português:

Meteor Garden


Meteor Garden (Taiwanese adaptation of Boys over Flowers) is based on the Japanese comic series Hana Yori Dango written by Yoko Kamio. Meteor Garden is the classic love story; rich boy (Dao Ming Si) falls for poor girl (Shan Cai). Rich boy Dao Ming Si attends an exclusive university and is the leader of the worshiped and feared group, the F4 (Flower Four). The F4 members Dao Ming Si, Hua Ze Lei, Mei Zuo and Xi Men are heirs to powerful Taiwanese businesses. At a perceived or real slight, the F4 will issue a red card giving the go-ahead for the student body to bully the red-carded person. Poor girl Shan Cai stands up for a bullied friend and receives the feared red card. Stunning the F4 and the student body, Shan Cai bends but does not break at the repeated bullying incidents. Instead she declares war on the F4 earning their respect and Dao Ming Si's affection.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Meteor Garden
Can't Help Falling in Love with You
The Love You Want

User reviews

Steven Williams

Overall, the music of Meteor Garden plays a vital role in shaping the atmosphere and emotional impact of the show, making it a memorable and engaging experience for viewers.

Carol Young

The soundtrack of Meteor Garden is truly captivating and adds depth to the emotions portrayed in the series. The music perfectly complements the romantic and dramatic scenes, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Richard Hill

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack of Meteor Garden are beautifully composed and add a layer of sophistication to the series. The melodies are memorable and have a way of staying with the audience long after the episode has ended.

Betty Johnson

Overall, the musical choices in Meteor Garden seemed uninspired and did not contribute positively to the overall viewing experience of the show.

Michelle Scott

The soundtrack of Meteor Garden perfectly captures the emotions of each scene, enhancing the storyline and adding depth to the characters' relationships.

Margaret Lopez

The soundtrack's upbeat and catchy tunes provide a sense of fun and light-heartedness amidst the more serious moments of the series.

Karen Campbell

Each song in the soundtrack of Meteor Garden is carefully selected to evoke specific emotions, making it a powerful tool in setting the tone for different scenes. The music enhances the storytelling and helps to create a strong connection with the characters and their struggles.

Amanda Green

The soundtrack effectively conveys the struggles and triumphs of Shan Cai as she stands up against the bullying tactics of the F4.

Carol Baker

The soundtrack of Meteor Garden is a perfect blend of emotion and energy that enhances the powerful love story between Dao Ming Si and Shan Cai.

Richard Garcia

The vocals in the soundtrack of Meteor Garden are both powerful and emotive, enhancing the raw emotions of the characters and making the audience feel more connected to their journey. The songs are not only pleasant to listen to but also help to convey the depth of the characters' feelings.

Steven Wright

The themes of friendship, loyalty, and love are beautifully reflected in the music, adding layers of meaning to the storyline.

Brian Lewis

The soundtrack of Meteor Garden failed to capture the emotional depth of the love story between Dao Ming Si and Shan Cai. The music felt generic and lacked the ability to enhance the romantic moments in the series.

Andrew Thomas

The instrumental pieces in Meteor Garden are particularly moving, creating a poignant atmosphere that resonates with the audience and elevates the overall viewing experience.

Daniel Miller

The music selection in Meteor Garden is diverse and well-curated, showcasing a blend of beautiful ballads and energetic pop songs that complement the romantic and dramatic moments in the series.

Melissa Moore

The music captures the tension and drama of the F4's world, creating a sense of intrigue and excitement.

Emily Williams

The soundtrack succeeds in creating a strong emotional connection with the audience, drawing them deeper into the characters' lives and struggles.

Daniel Anderson

The romantic melodies beautifully complement the blossoming relationship between Dao Ming Si and Shan Cai, adding depth to their love story.

Robert Anderson

The use of traditional Taiwanese instruments in some tracks adds a cultural richness to the music, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Dorothy Gonzalez

The songs chosen for key scenes often felt out of place and did not match the tone of the storyline, causing a disconnect between the audience and the characters' emotions.