Mom Squad Soundtrack (

Mom Squad Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 5.80/10 from 730 votes
Tags: ceramist, mother and baby group
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Mom Squad

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Mom Squad

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Mom Squad

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Mom Squad

Title in Deutsch:

Mom Squad


Mom Squad

Line lives with her businessman husband Bjørn in Hong Kong. When she has a baby, she employs a nanny. But Bjørn has sex with the nanny, and when Line catches him in the act, she picks up the baby and flies back to Denmark. She moves to Korinth, Funen (not Greece), where she grew up and where her cousin Maja lives, her only relative besides her husband and baby.

When she arrives at Maja, she meets the moms group. Maja doesn't want her there. Line moves in the house that the two cousins inherited together from their grandpa. Line meets Bodil from the moms group at the grocer, where Line gets help with the bill as Bjørn has closed down her credit card and cellphone. Bodil also helps her with more money, a car, and advice. All this upsets Maja even more; she feels that Line is taking away her four friends from the moms group. Line wants a divorce.

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Mom Squad

User reviews

Karen Brown

The soundtrack effectively conveys the complex relationships within the moms group, adding depth to the storytelling.

Brian Gonzalez

The music creates a sense of empowerment and resilience as Line starts over in Korinth, Funen, reflecting her inner strength.

Stephanie Lee

The diversity of musical styles and instruments used in the soundtrack adds richness and texture to the storytelling.

Nancy Thompson

The music sets the tone for each scene, immersing the audience in the world of Line and the challenges she faces.

William Scott

The soundtrack of Mom Squad adds depth and emotion to the unfolding relationships and dynamics within the moms group, enriching the storytelling experience.

Lisa Brown

The soundtrack enhances the sense of empowerment as Line seeks independence and support from her newfound friends in the moms group.

Joseph Phillips

The use of different musical motifs for each character helps to distinguish their personalities and motivations, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Stephanie Wright

The music in Mom Squad complements the narrative by accentuating the moments of growth, self-discovery, and empowerment that Line experiences throughout the series.

Susan Roberts

The soundtrack of Mom Squad effectively captures the emotional journey of Line as she navigates betrayal and starts a new chapter in her life in Denmark.

Joseph Smith

The use of subtle motifs and themes throughout the soundtrack creates a cohesive sonic tapestry that ties the series together thematically.

Emily Young

The choice of music perfectly complements the storyline, enhancing the viewing experience and creating a deep emotional connection with the characters and their experiences.

Donald Clark

The overall sound production of the soundtrack feels uninspired and generic, lacking originality and failing to leave a lasting impression on the listener.

Elizabeth Wilson

The soundtrack seamlessly transitions between moments of drama, tension, and heartfelt emotion, enhancing the narrative flow of the series.

Timothy White

The Mom Squad soundtrack features memorable melodies that stay with the audience long after watching the series, enhancing its impact.

Kimberly Scott

Each track is expertly crafted to evoke a range of feelings, from heartache to empowerment, mirroring Line's internal struggle and growth throughout the series.

Brian Thomas

The music choices feel disconnected from the storyline, making it difficult to immerse myself in the narrative and empathize with the characters' experiences.

Patricia Lopez

The Mom Squad soundtrack perfectly captures the emotional journey of Line as she navigates through betrayal and rebuilding her life in a new place.

Thomas Anderson

The soundtrack of Mom Squad lacks emotional depth and fails to capture the complexities of the characters' relationships and struggles.

John Harris

The music in Mom Squad effectively conveys the themes of resilience and inner strength as Line rebuilds her life after a personal crisis.

Kimberly Lewis

The music in Mom Squad sets the tone for the tension between Line and Maja, creating a palpable sense of conflict within the story.

Donna Garcia

Overall, the Mom Squad soundtrack is a standout element of the series, elevating the viewing experience and drawing viewers deeper into Line's story.

Paul Thompson

The soundtrack of Mom Squad beautifully captures the emotional journey of Line as she navigates through betrayal, motherhood, and starting anew in Denmark.