Monas verden is a Norwegian film directed by Arild Østin Ommundsen. The story follows Mona, a young girl who is struggling with her identity and her place in the world. She feels like an outsider in her small town and dreams of escaping to a bigger city.
One day, Mona meets Tord, a boy who is also an outsider and shares her desire for something more. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and rebellion against the norms of their society.
As Mona and Tord navigate the challenges of growing up and finding their place in the world, they must confront their own fears and insecurities. The film explores themes of friendship, love, and the search for meaning in a world that can be harsh and unforgiving.
Monas verden is a coming-of-age story that resonates with audiences of all ages, reminding us that we are all searching for our own place in the world.