"Neki novi klinci" is a Croatian film that tells the story of a group of teenagers who are facing the challenges of growing up. The main character, Luka, is a rebellious teenager who struggles to find his place in the world. He forms a close bond with his new friends, who come from different backgrounds but share a common desire for freedom and adventure.
As they navigate the ups and downs of adolescence, Luka and his friends discover the true meaning of friendship and loyalty. They support each other through difficult times and learn valuable life lessons along the way. The film explores themes of identity, love, and the importance of staying true to oneself.
Through their experiences, Luka and his friends come to realize that growing up is not always easy, but with the support of those who care about you, anything is possible. "Neki novi klinci" is a heartwarming coming-of-age story that will resonate with audiences of all ages.