O Drakoulas ton Exarheion Soundtrack (

O Drakoulas ton Exarheion Soundtrack (1983) cover

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Rating: 6.40/10 from 1000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

O Drakoulas ton Exarheion

Title in Italiano:

Dracula of Exarcheia

Title in Português:

Dracula of Exarcheia


Freshly arrived from the mystical forests of the ancient Carpathian Mountains, the deranged scientist and Count Dracula's direct descendant, Dr Victor Papadopoulos, has settled in his new castle, somewhere in the thick shadows of Exarchia. Burning with artistic desire and deeply devoted to his paranoid cause, the delusional doctor roams the city's empty night streets in search of human limbs that once belonged to famous musicians, with the intention of putting together the perfect rock band. However, the cemetery's restless inhabitants who are at the end of their tether, decide to form an alliance to fight back the rapacious gravedigger and put an end to this blasphemy once and for all. But who can stand in Dracula's way?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
O Drakoulas ton Exarheion
Disco tsoutsouni
Tzimis Panousis: Writer
Tzimis Panousis: Performer
Dimitris Poulikakos: Performer
Pythagoras: Lyrics
Hristos Nikolopoulos: Performer
Tzimis Panousis: Writer
Tzimis Panousis: Performer
Vre melahroinaki
Tzimis Panousis: Performer
Tzimis Panousis: Writer
Tzimis Panousis: Performer
Oi ekloges
Tzimis Panousis: Performer
Ta mavra matia sou
Pos na se xehaso
Gamate giati hanomaste
Tzimis Panousis: Performer
Mousikes Taxiarhies
Tzimis Panousis: Writer
Tzimis Panousis: Performer
Gia ti giorti tis miteras
Tzimis Panousis: Writer
Tzimis Panousis: Performer

User reviews

David King

The haunting melodies and dark tones in the music evoke a sense of foreboding and tension, setting the stage for the sinister events that unfold in the film.

Andrew Williams

The soundtrack of O Drakoulas ton Exarheion fails to capture the eerie and dark atmosphere of the storyline. It lacks the haunting melodies and sinister tones that would have enhanced the overall experience of the film.

Elizabeth Lopez

The use of unconventional instruments and experimental sounds in the soundtrack adds a unique and avant-garde touch to the music, reflecting the eccentricity and madness of the characters in the film. The seamless integration of classical elements with modern rock vibes creates a dynamic and engaging listening experience that elevates the overall storytelling and enhances the emotional impact of each scene.

Carol Perez

The music choices in the film feel disjointed and out of place, making it difficult to immerse oneself in the story. The jarring transitions between different musical styles detract from the cohesiveness of the soundtrack and can be distracting for the audience.

Donald Williams

Overall, the soundtrack of O Drakoulas ton Exarheion is a masterful work of art that not only complements the story and visuals of the film but also stands on its own as a compelling and atmospheric musical journey.

Dorothy Martinez

The soundtrack of O Drakoulas ton Exarheion perfectly captures the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of the story, immersing the listener into the world of the deranged scientist Dr. Victor Papadopoulos.

Thomas Gonzalez

The choice of music reflects the clash between the ancient folklore of the Carpathian Mountains and the modern urban setting of Exarchia, creating a juxtaposition that adds layers to the narrative.

Charles Lee

The diversity of musical styles and genres represented in the soundtrack reflects the eclectic nature of the characters and settings in O Drakoulas ton Exarheion, adding depth and complexity to the overall listening experience.

Carol Wright

The use of traditional instruments mixed with modern electronic sounds creates a unique and captivating sound that enhances the storytelling and adds depth to the characters.

William Evans

Overall, the soundtrack of O Drakoulas ton Exarheion is a key element in bringing the story to life, enriching the film with its evocative and atmospheric compositions that leave a lasting impression on the audience.

Joseph Green

The soundtrack of O Drakoulas ton Exarheion is a captivating blend of eerie melodies and haunting tones that perfectly capture the dark and mysterious atmosphere of the story. Each track immerses the listener into the twisted world of Dr. Victor Papadopoulos and his macabre quest for the ultimate rock band, creating a sense of suspense and intrigue that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Susan Scott

The ominous and suspenseful tracks build anticipation and keep the audience on the edge of their seats, heightening the suspense and drama of the film.

Michael Baker

The incorporation of classical orchestral arrangements in certain tracks adds a grandiose and epic feel to key moments in the film, elevating the emotional impact of the scenes.

Anthony Young

The soundtrack of O Drakoulas ton Exarheion perfectly captures the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of the story, immersing the listener in the world of Dr. Victor Papadopoulos.

Andrew Rodriguez

The fusion of rock elements with classical motifs in the soundtrack mirrors Dr. Papadopoulos' twisted quest to create the ultimate rock band, adding a sense of macabre humor to the story.

Brian Brown

The music effectively underscores the action sequences and adds energy and intensity to the film, enhancing the visual experience and creating a dynamic audio-visual combination.

Joshua Smith

The energetic and dynamic rhythms in some tracks create a sense of urgency and tension, keeping the audience engaged and on the edge of their seats during pivotal scenes.

Joshua Taylor

The soundtrack effectively conveys the inner turmoil and madness of Dr. Papadopoulos, reflecting his descent into obsession and madness through the music.

Nancy Martin

The blend of traditional Carpathian folk music with modern rock elements in the soundtrack creates a unique and captivating sound that enhances the narrative of the film.

Carol Carter

The use of haunting melodies and dark, brooding tones in the soundtrack effectively conveys the sense of dread and suspense present throughout the movie.