Our Mother's Murder Soundtrack (

Our Mother's Murder Soundtrack (1997) cover

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Rating: 6.90/10 from 615 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

El juego de la muerte

Title in Italiano:

Fra le braccia dell'assassino

Title in Português:

Alvo de Sedução

Title in Français:

L'amant diabolique

Title in Türk:

L'amant diabolique

Title in Deutsch:

Der Mörder unserer Mutter


Our Mother's Murder is a gripping thriller that follows the story of two sisters, Alex and Joss, who are left devastated after their mother is brutally murdered in their own home.

The sisters are determined to find out the truth behind their mother's death, but as they dig deeper, they uncover dark secrets that their mother had been keeping from them.

As Alex and Joss delve into their mother's past, they realize that she was not the person they thought she was. They must navigate through a web of lies and deceit to uncover the truth and bring their mother's killer to justice.

But as they get closer to the truth, they realize that their own lives may be in danger. Will they be able to solve the mystery of their mother's murder before it's too late?

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Our Mother's Murder

User reviews

Mark Campbell

The use of subtle piano notes creates a sense of unease and tension, mirroring the sisters' growing suspicions and fears.

Elizabeth Lewis

Overall, the soundtrack of Our Mother's Murder is a crucial element that elevates the storytelling and emotional impact of the film.

Elizabeth Perez

The haunting melodies and eerie tones in the soundtrack effectively convey the sense of mystery and intrigue surrounding the dark secrets that their mother had been hiding. The music immerses the audience in the tension and suspense of the sisters' investigation, keeping them on the edge of their seats throughout the film.

Michelle Smith

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack intensify the emotional depth of the sisters' journey to uncover the truth about their mother's death.

Matthew Garcia

The soundtrack of Our Mother's Murder perfectly captures the suspense and mystery of the storyline.

Michelle Anderson

Each musical composition in the film effectively sets the tone for different scenes, from moments of profound sadness to heart-pounding suspense, creating a gripping atmosphere that keeps the audience engaged and invested in the unfolding mystery.

Carol Jones

The music builds anticipation and suspense, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats throughout the film.

Anthony Thompson

The soundtrack's seamless integration with key moments in the storyline enhances the overall viewing experience.

Steven Hill

The soundtrack of Our Mother's Murder beautifully captures the suspense and intensity of the storyline, enhancing the emotional impact of the sisters' journey to uncover the truth behind their mother's tragic death.

Edward Turner

The soundtrack's evocative themes resonate long after the movie ends, leaving a lasting impression on the viewer.

Lisa Parker

The soundtrack effectively conveys the complexity of the sisters' emotions as they grapple with the shocking revelations about their mother.

Michael Perez

The music enhances the atmosphere of the film, drawing the audience deeper into the unfolding drama.

Michelle White

The soundtrack of Our Mother's Murder truly enhances the suspense and intensity of the thrilling storyline. Each musical composition perfectly captures the emotional turmoil and suspenseful moments of the sisters' journey to uncover the truth behind their mother's death.