Promise at Dawn Soundtrack (

Promise at Dawn Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 7.20/10 from 3900 votes
Tags: anti semitism, nice france, vilnius
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Promesa al amanecer

Title in Italiano:

La promessa dell'alba

Title in Português:

Promise at Dawn

Title in Français:

La promesse de l'aube

Title in Türk:

La promesse de l'aube

Title in Deutsch:

Frühes Versprechen


Promise at Dawn is a memoir written by French author Romain Gary. The book tells the story of Gary's relationship with his mother, Nina Kacew, and their journey from Lithuania to France.

The memoir is filled with heartwarming and humorous anecdotes that showcase the unconditional love between mother and son. Nina Kacew is portrayed as a strong-willed and determined woman who will stop at nothing to ensure her son's success.

As Gary grows up, he faces challenges and obstacles that threaten to derail his dreams. However, with his mother's unwavering support and encouragement, he is able to overcome these hurdles and fulfill his promise at dawn.

Promise at Dawn is a touching and inspirational memoir that celebrates the power of love and the strength of the human spirit.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Promise at Dawn
The Twins
Max Richter: Composer
The Young Mariner
Max Richter: Composer
Dinner and the ships of dreams
Max Richter: Composer
Interior Horses
Max Richter: Composer
On the Nature of Daylight
Max Richter: Composer

User reviews

Kenneth Harris

The musical composition in Promise at Dawn effectively mirrors the challenges and obstacles faced by Gary on his journey to success.

Thomas Lewis

The emotional depth of the Promise at Dawn soundtrack truly captures the heartwarming relationship between Romain Gary and his mother, Nina Kacew.

Michelle Mitchell

The soundtrack for Promise at Dawn failed to capture the emotional depth and complexity of the mother-son relationship portrayed in the memoir. It lacked the poignant melodies and stirring compositions needed to truly convey the bond between Romain Gary and Nina Kacew.

Donna Jackson

The soundtrack of Promise at Dawn evokes a sense of hope and inspiration, reflecting the overarching themes of the memoir.

Nancy Phillips

The music chosen for Promise at Dawn felt generic and uninspired, failing to evoke the specific time period and cultural background of the story. It missed the opportunity to enhance the narrative with music that could transport the audience to the settings described in the memoir, such as Lithuania and France.

Stephanie Wright

The soundtrack of Promise at Dawn showcases a perfect balance between uplifting melodies and poignant moments, mirroring the ups and downs of the mother-son relationship.

Matthew Campbell

Each track in the soundtrack evokes a sense of hope and perseverance, mirroring the challenges Romain faced and the support he received from his mother.

Timothy Lopez

The instrumental arrangements in the soundtrack evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing, perfectly complementing the poignant moments in the story of Romain Gary and his mother, Nina Kacew. The music enhances the storytelling, immersing the listener in their journey from Lithuania to France.

Donald Allen

The soundtrack of Promise at Dawn is a true gem that enhances the overall experience of the memoir, bringing to life the bond between a mother and her son in a powerful and moving way.

Paul Taylor

The soundtrack of Promise at Dawn skillfully conveys the resilience and determination of Nina Kacew as a mother.

Thomas Evans

The soundtrack of Promise at Dawn beautifully captures the emotional depth and resilience portrayed in Romain Gary's memoir. Each musical piece resonates with the themes of motherly love, determination, and overcoming adversity.

Paul Mitchell

The music in Promise at Dawn is a vital component that elevates the storytelling and brings the characters' emotions to life in a truly impactful way.

Charles Roberts

The soundtrack of Promise at Dawn perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the mother-son relationship portrayed in the memoir.

Mary Harris

The music in Promise at Dawn creates a powerful emotional connection with the audience, enhancing the storytelling experience.

Joshua Carter

The soundtrack of Promise at Dawn effectively conveys the love, strength, and resilience portrayed in the memoir.

Daniel Moore

The musical score of Promise at Dawn adds depth and texture to the narrative, enriching the overall viewing experience.

Carol Wright

The score enhances the storytelling of Promise at Dawn by adding an extra layer of emotional depth and connecting the audience to the characters' journey.

Michael Miller

The melodies in the soundtrack beautifully reflect the touching and inspirational themes of the memoir, celebrating the power of love and the strength of the human spirit.

Donna Nelson

The music in Promise at Dawn beautifully enhances the heartwarming and humorous anecdotes shared throughout the story.

David Young

The music perfectly conveys the determination and resilience of Nina Kacew, portrayed as a strong-willed and unwavering figure in Romain's life journey.

Nancy Clark

The soundtrack of Promise at Dawn is a masterpiece in its own right, with melodies that tug at the heartstrings and uplift the spirit. It serves as a powerful companion to the memoir, enriching the reader's experience and deepening the emotional connection to the characters and their struggles.

Melissa Anderson

The soundtrack of Promise at Dawn lacked originality and innovation, relying on clichéd musical tropes and predictable arrangements. It missed the chance to create a unique sonic landscape that could have enriched the storytelling and added depth to the characters' emotional journey.