Psychokinesis Soundtrack (

Psychokinesis Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Psychokinesis is a South Korean superhero film directed by Yeon Sang-ho. The story follows a man named Shin Seok-heon who gains superpowers after drinking water from a mountain spring affected by a meteor. With his newfound ability to move objects with his mind, Shin Seok-heon decides to use his powers to help his estranged daughter and fight against a powerful corporation.

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User reviews

Richard Harris

I found the soundtrack of Psychokinesis to be quite underwhelming and uninspiring.

Stephanie Nelson

The use of electronic elements in the soundtrack adds a modern and futuristic feel to the story, complementing the protagonist's newfound superpowers and the overall theme of battling against a powerful corporation. The blend of traditional Korean music elements with contemporary sounds creates a unique and immersive listening experience that perfectly mirrors the film's setting and atmosphere.

Richard Nelson

The use of subtle and atmospheric soundscapes in certain scenes of Psychokinesis creates an immersive and eerie ambiance that enhances the suspense and mystery of the storyline.

Richard Wilson

I found the use of electronic elements in the soundtrack to be a refreshing and modern take on the superhero genre, adding a unique and futuristic vibe to the overall sound of the film.

Donald Wright

The music in Psychokinesis effectively sets the tone for the film, creating a sense of tension and excitement that keeps the audience engaged throughout the movie.

Jennifer Anderson

The music enhances the emotional journey of the main character, Shin Seok-heon, as he navigates his newfound superpowers and the challenges he faces.

Michelle Williams

Overall, the Psychokinesis soundtrack is a standout feature of the film, elevating the emotional depth and intensity of key scenes. The music not only enhances the superhero narrative but also stands on its own as a captivating and memorable collection of songs.

Robert Gonzalez

The soundtrack of Psychokinesis perfectly captures the essence of the superhero film directed by Yeon Sang-ho.

Steven Campbell

The soundtrack of Psychokinesis truly enhances the superhero experience with its dynamic and engaging musical compositions. Each track perfectly captures the tension and excitement of the film's action sequences, keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout.

Betty Hall

Overall, the soundtrack of Psychokinesis is a standout feature of the film, showcasing the talent and creativity of the composers in creating a memorable and captivating musical accompaniment to the superhero story.

Steven Hernandez

The energetic and pulsating rhythms in certain tracks of the soundtrack perfectly complement the fast-paced and dynamic action sequences in the film, intensifying the adrenaline-filled moments on screen.

Amanda Allen

The use of different musical styles and instruments adds depth and complexity to the overall listening experience, reflecting the diverse themes explored in the film.

George Jackson

The seamless integration of the soundtrack with the visuals in Psychokinesis demonstrates a strong artistic vision and attention to detail, enhancing the overall cinematic experience for the audience.

Amanda Walker

The music failed to capture the intensity and emotion of the superhero storyline, leaving me feeling disconnected from the movie's climactic moments.

James Roberts

The dynamic and energetic tracks heighten the action sequences, making them even more thrilling and engaging for the audience.

Karen Lopez

The emotional melodies and harmonies evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing, underscoring the heartfelt moments between characters and adding emotional weight to the story.

Donna Roberts

The lack of memorable melodies or standout tracks made the overall listening experience forgettable and unremarkable.

Ashley Martin

The soundtrack of Psychokinesis perfectly captures the essence of the superhero genre, with epic and dramatic musical themes that enhance the action-packed scenes.

Deborah Jones

Overall, I believe the soundtrack of Psychokinesis missed the mark in enhancing the film's impact and failed to leave a lasting impression on me as a viewer.

Kimberly Brown

The diversity of musical styles and genres in the Psychokinesis soundtrack adds depth and richness to the overall listening experience, showcasing the versatility and creativity of the composers.

Deborah Hill

The emotional moments in Psychokinesis are beautifully accompanied by the touching melodies and poignant orchestral arrangements in the soundtrack, creating a powerful connection with the characters and their struggles.

John Garcia

Overall, the soundtrack of Psychokinesis is a standout element of the film, enhancing the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Betty Wright

The soundtrack effectively conveys the sense of empowerment and determination that drives Shin Seok-heon to use his powers for good and protect his daughter.