Quo vado? Soundtrack (

Quo vado? Soundtrack (2016) cover

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Rating: 6.60/10 from 13000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Un italiano en Noruega


"Quo vado?" is an Italian comedy film that tells the story of Checco, a man who has a secure job as a civil servant in Italy. However, when the government starts downsizing, Checco is faced with the possibility of losing his job. Determined to keep his position, Checco goes to great lengths to avoid being transferred to undesirable locations. As he navigates through various challenges and absurd situations, Checco learns valuable lessons about life, work, and happiness.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Quo vado?
Italiano Boy
La prima repubblica
Africano Boy
La prima repubblica Africa
Love's Theme
I Sogni Son Desideri
Nostalgia Canaglia
Al Bano: Performer
Because You Loved Me
Céline Dion: Performer
Cristiano Minellono: Writer
Al Bano: Performer
Santo California: Performer
La prima Repubblica Africa (feat. Badara Seck)
Checco Zalone: Performer

User reviews

Dorothy Clark

The soundtrack of Quo vado? perfectly captures the comedic and lighthearted tone of the film. The music enhances the humorous moments and adds depth to the emotional scenes, creating a well-rounded auditory experience for the audience.

David Clark

The soundtrack of Quo vado? perfectly captures the comedic and lighthearted tone of the film. The music enhances the humorous scenes and adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the viewing experience.

Paul Scott

The soundtrack of Quo vado? skillfully transitions between different moods, from comedic to heartfelt, creating a well-rounded emotional journey for the audience.

Michelle Martin

The soundtrack of Quo vado? features memorable melodies that stay with you long after the movie has ended, making it a standout aspect of the film.

Michelle Carter

The use of sound effects in conjunction with the music in Quo vado? enhances the comedic timing and adds an extra layer of entertainment to the scenes.

James Campbell

The diversity of musical styles in the soundtrack of Quo vado? adds richness and variety to the overall audio experience, catering to a wide range of tastes.

Donna Hill

I was particularly impressed by the variety of musical styles and instruments used in the soundtrack of Quo vado? Each track seemed carefully selected to match the mood of the scenes, effectively immersing me in Checco's world and enhancing my overall viewing experience. The music truly served as a storytelling device, enhancing the film's narrative and making it a memorable musical accompaniment to the story of Checco's journey.

Paul Brown

The music in Quo vado? effectively builds tension during pivotal moments, adding depth to the storyline and keeping the audience engaged.

Mary Gonzalez

The music in Quo vado? complements the humor and wit of the dialogue, creating a harmonious blend of sound and storytelling.

Joseph Garcia

The use of traditional Italian music in the soundtrack of Quo vado? helps to create an authentic and immersive setting for the story. The melodies evoke a sense of Italian culture and charm, making the film even more engaging and enjoyable.

Amanda Miller

The use of traditional Italian music in the soundtrack of Quo vado? adds an authentic touch to the film, reflecting the cultural background of the characters and setting.

Carol Scott

The soundtrack of Quo vado? perfectly captures the comedic and light-hearted tone of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Elizabeth Adams

Overall, the soundtrack of Quo vado? is a cohesive and well-crafted collection of music that elevates the narrative and contributes to the film's success.