Sadie's Last Days on Earth Soundtrack (

Sadie's Last Days on Earth Soundtrack (2016) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Sadie's Last Days on Earth

Title in Italiano:

Sadie's Last Days on Earth

Title in Português:

Sadie's Last Days on Earth


For most of us, high school can feel like the world is ending. For Sadie Mitchell, it actually is. Sadie has created a check-list of things to master before the predicted doomsday, and she has just two weeks to complete it. Sadie needs to master survivalist cuisine, learn to sew, and a few personal things; go to a high school party, kiss a boy, and most importantly, get her best friend back.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Sadie's Last Days on Earth
LP: Performer
Caracol: Performer
Carole Facal: Writer
Cloud 69
Lowell: Performer
Lowell: Writer
Highs: Performer
Highs: Writer
Summer Dress
Highs: Performer
Highs: Writer
(Love is Like A) Heatwave
Butternut Squash Jam
Nowhere To Run
You Keep Me Hangin' On
Brian Holland: Writer
The Supremes: Performer
Dirty Dog
Christian Marsac: Performer
Christian Marsac: Writer
Where Did Our Love Go
Brian Holland: Writer
The Supremes: Performer
For You
Jayli Wolf: Writer
This Ordinary Life
Andy Huckvale: Performer
Andy Huckvale: Writer
Night Like This
LP: Performer
Just Yet
For Esmé: Performer